shrek goes to scool

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today was my first day at ogre acemdey. i wore my eyeliner and black shrexky ogre pants and chckr necklice. there were so many ogres there i got so scared i get scared. i walked into scool and all the ogres looked at me. there were big ogrws and small ogres and ugly ogres and pretty ogres and wow a onion grew in my pants when i saw a pgre in the hallway that was really cute.
he had long thick ears and a nice ogre body. i flew across the hallway and thrusted myself upon hos gorgeius ogre body he said 'oh emo shrek ur so swampcore pls do me right now'
the ogre and me got it on in the hallwahy
he unzipped my tight shrekxy pants to reveal my large onion in my pants
'what a big onion u got in there' he said
'taste the layers' i said
the ogre tasted my layers and i groaned becaus it felt so good
i took of the ogres clothes and i put my onion into hos tight virgin butthole
then his spicy ogre juices swuirted onto my ogre body
'i do it for shrek' he scremed
'this is my swamp' i said

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