Chapter 11

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I walked back to the girl sleeping quarters with Amia, who told me all about her family and her hopes for her gift. It was something most students seemed to want to talk about.

"Why is it so important what gift you get?" I asked. "I'd rather have one that's easily manageable than a powerful one."

"I mean it's easier for you." She said. "I have seven sisters. Each of them has a powerful gift. Can you imagine if I have to call home and say that I can control water? Besides, people look up to you if your gift is rare. Trust me, you want a good one."

The girls sleeping quarters were in the west tower. Though I was lucky to be sleeping alone I didn't have that much luck when it came to placement. My room was on the second-highest floor. But before we could even start the climb to our rooms, Amia had the same bad luck I did, we noticed a white sheet of paper pinned to the doors.

First years mentor placement:

Amia Abney: Prof. Nathaniel Lamphere

Finley Acker: Prof. Loic Kamau

Eleanora Aitken: Prof. Nehemias Wolfe

I quickly looked further down the list in the search of my name while I heard Amia complain about her assigned mentor.

Alaric Lauwers: Prof. Yael Argal

Eira Lovell: Prof. Auden Lourdes

Professor Lourdes was our sword fighting teacher. He had been relatively nice to me, as nice as anyone holding a sword could be, when we had his classes. I hadn't really spoken to him one on one before, but he didn't seem to hate me as much as some of the other teachers.

I spend the hour with Amia and another girl called Victorine Polley in the library. Victorine was one of the people that still did not like me. She didn't make a scene or anything when Amia asked if it was okay that I joined them, but by the angry glances she threw at me I could easily tell where she was standing.

Both girls also had french as their chosen language. Amia could speak it far better than I ever will. Though her father's side of the family was strictly British, her mother was originally from a French family. Defying most of the Vallen rules she taught her daughters french.

"So don't tell professor Klasson," She said to me and Victorine. "We aren't supposed to be learning a language we already know."

She helped me out greatly with my essay, so I definitely wasn't going to tell on her. By the looks of it she and Victorine got along great as well, so her secret would remain hidden with us.

I went to the cafeteria by myself. Amia wanted to join me, but one look from Victorine shut her up. I told her that it was fine, I was going to meet up with Alaric anyway. I didn't see him, who was always easy to spot due to his size, when I walked into the cafeteria. So after I grabbed my lunch I sat down at an empty table.

Most kids in my class already had siblings at school. Which made me wonder if my biological parents had other kids. What if I was eating in the same room with them and I didn't know? I knew absolutely nothing about my parents, besides that they probably died in the war. People seemed really queasy around that subject. I didn't know a whole lot about it yet, but what I did hear was that a lot of Vallens died fighting for their freedom. I choose to believe that my parents did that too.

"What are you dreaming off about?" Alaric asked me, slamming his food tray harshly on the table.

"What are you so angry about?" I countered. He was visibly shaking in his seat.

"That asshole that teaches us human studies." He said. "He called me a moron because I couldn't answer his questions right." He almost squished his croissant in his hand. "It's because of my brothers. We once received a letter that Eldon was to have half a year's worth of detention because of Professor Rhys. Something about talking back to him."

"I'll tutor you in human studies if you tutor me in literally everything else." I said holding out my hand. He couldn't suppress his smile, even though he really tried, and shook my hand.

"Deal, my young human." He smiled.

We ate in silence for a few minutes, while I looked at the people around us. There were quite a few people eating alone, as well as groups so large that they took up more than two tables. At one table I could see Professor Dehaven, talking and laughing with a bunch of students.

"Morning brother," Eldon said, plopping down next to Alaric and stealing from his plate. So far from the three brothers I have noticed that Darius is the only one without a food obsession. Alaric could eat for hours and still say he was starving and Eldon seemed to be doing the same thing.

"Speak of the devil," Alaric replied. "Why did you have to make that old bastard hate our family?"

"Rhys?" Eldon immediately guessed. "One moment of anger and both Darius and I were screwed until we get out of here." He shrugged. "If it makes you feel any better, he hates everyone."

"How is that supposed to be better?" Alaric grunted and shoved another croissant in his mouth.

"What I wanted to ask was who your mentor is?" Eldon asked Alaric. Alaric shrugged and kept on eating while his brother attempted to steal another bite.

"Yours is Professor Argal." I said, remembering the list from before. "Mine is Professor Lourdes."

"Argal is also my mentor, and Darius'" Eldon said. "He's nice enough, doesn't really meddle in our business too much. Prefers to be prodding around his greenhouse." Alaric nodded along, probably having already heard this from his brothers. 

I had no idea how the Vallen kids kept in contact with their family during their time here. I heard something about writing letters before, but I was also told there was a phone. Did the Vallens even have phones? Or did they just keep the one for kids like me?

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