Chapter One:

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It rained almost every day in Prosperity Woods. So much so that when it did stop raining (for a brief period), everyone that lived there began to panic, despite knowing that the dry spell wouldn't last. Prosperity Woods never saw the sun, and which meant that everyone was pretty miserable there.

That's just the way things are, Frank thought to himself, as he sat in bed with a book and a mug of hot chocolate, his three cats curled up at the foot of the bed. There isn't much prosperity in Prosperity Woods.

He finished his hot chocolate and glanced at the bedside clock. Nearly midnight. He looked over at his cats (Pickles, white with tabby patches; Mittens, very scruffy and ugly; and John, black), and threw back the sheets, climbing out of bed. He dressed, gave each of the cats a kiss, and then slipped out the window. Luckily, the house had only one floor, so Frank didn't have far to fall.

He ran through the trees, knowing the route by heart and avoiding roots that had snaked their way across the path. It took him exactly twelve minutes to reach the clearing, which was thankfully empty. It wasn't always empty; sometimes wolves hung out there, or worse, vampires.

He climbed up into his spot on a large oak, and there he waited for something to happen. Quite often nothing happened, but on the nights that he didn't come here, there were whispers of a vampire that came to the clearing to feed. No bodies had been found, and no trace of the vampire either, which led Frank to believe that the whispers were just that, whispers. Still, he waited, patiently, four nights a week (he worked the other three), for something to happen. Nothing ever did.

A rustle below startled Frank, making him cling onto the branches to stop himself from falling. He couldn't see much when he looked towards the sound, assuming that it had been a rabbit of some kind, but then someone walked into view, holding something over their shoulder. Frank's heart thudded in his chest; the vampire.

This was it, his chance to make his first kill and make his father proud. While the vampire was distracted, he would climb down the tree, sneak up behind them and stab them in the heart with his silver knife. Easy. Simple. No chance of failure.

The vampire threw something to the ground, which Frank soon realised with horror was a dead body. And then it started moving.

The body started to cry, which prompted the vampire to crouch down and attempt to soothe them, which only made their cries louder. "This won't hurt, I promise. It'll only take a second." said the vampire. "Please, just relax."

Oh no you don't. Frank didn't think about what he was doing. He climbed down from the tree as quickly as he could without breaking any limbs, and he sprinted towards the vampire, silver knife in hand. He raised the knife, took a deep breath, and brought it down -

Into thin air.

The vampire had hold of his wrist. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2019 ⏰

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