Why me...

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As Izuku Midoriya walked into class 1-A his classmates looked disgusted with him.
"Did I do something? Do I have something in my face?" Izuku panicked.
"Yes, actually" Mina hissed. "A traitors mouth is on your face!"
"H-huh?!" Izuku stuttered, noticing that Uraraka and Kacchan (Is that how you spell it?) weren't here.
"Don't play dumb!" Shrieked the usually stoic Todoroki. "You know what you did!" He continued.
"I r-really don't k-know what you're t-t-talking about Todoroki!" Izuku once again stuttered.
Aizawa, not in his usual sleeping bag attire entered the classroom, his normally deadpan face was gone, instead was a face with a thunderous expression, one that screamed death.
"Izuku." Aizawa calmly spoke.
"Get out of my class and never step foot in it again!" Aizawa exploded.
"I-I don't underst-stand?!" Izuku was now hyperventilating.
Kaminari joined in, not letting his sad side show.
"We found security footage of you finding the 2 weeks worth of plans the school had and students profiles the day before the USJ attack Midoryia." Kaminari said, spitting out Izuku's last name like he ate something bad.
"What? I-I've never done s-something l-like t-th-that! I n-never w-would!" Izuku sputtered.
"Don't deny it Midoriya. There is video evidence." All Might's voice shook Izuku to his very core. Even his idol, his hero, his mentor, didn't believe him. He hadn't done what they'd said! They were all his friends, how could they believe in some footage found 4 months after the USJ attack?! It doesn't make sense! Izuku started to tremble. He was tearing up, his eyes glazing over. Maybe Uraraka would believe him! She had loved him for 3 months now! (Roll with it, pretend she was Izuku's girlfriend. Also I'm this they're all 18 not 14 and 15.) Izuku couldn't hold back the tears anymore.
"YEAH, GO ON, CRY THOSE CROCODILE TEARS TRAITOR!" Yaoyorozu yelled at the top of her lungs.
Izuku ran. He ran as fast as he could, through the empty halls to Uraraka's dorm room.
He opened the unlocked door, hoping she was there. He wished she hadn't been there and she was just in 1-A classroom as soon as he saw in there. His girlfriend, who he had loved with all his heart was under the covers with Kacchan- no. Not Kacchan. Katsuki. His childhood now ex-best friend. He felt the colour drain from his face, the world was sinking beneath him, and his life had just been torn apart. Izuku falling to his knees was enough to bring their attention to the door and they stared wide eyed at him.
"I- I CAN EXPLAIN!" Uraraka scrambled over her words.
Izuku just got up and left there, shutting the door behind him, only now starting to think it can't get any worse. Oh how wrong he was. When he got to his dorm, he found a letter on his door. He took it and read it, wondering how he hadn't noticed it, still shaken from what had just happened. As he read it he felt his hopes and dreams completely shatter. Any hope he had of becoming a hero, of saving people, of having anything began to slip away, as his heart dropped through to his stomach. How could this happen to me? Why me? I've been framed. I've been cheated on. Everyone I know hates me. I was just expelled according to the letter. WHY ME??? WHY NO ONE ELSE?! WHY DID THIS HAPPEN TO ME? What can I do... I don't wanna see anyone from this school. That's what I'll do. Izuku thought as tears fell from his red and puffy eyes, ones he used to see lies through, but now he sees the truth. That humanity has gone down the drain. And it all lead back to quirks. Suddenly Izuku felt something being drained from him. He turned around to see All Might there.
"You aren't worthy of my powers. You do not possess any hero traits, all I can see right now is a villain blinded by a quirk he shouldn't have. You don't deserve my quirk. You will never have a quirk as long as you live. I will make sure of it you vile villain!" All Might boomed.
Izuku grabbed his backpack, his phone, got his all Might merch and threw it at All Might who had a shocked expression.
"Have them." Izuku spoke with no emotion in his voice. "I no longer have an idol." Izuku's voice began to waver. "I don't need anyone, you're all just back stabbing traitors."
Izuku went to the principal Nezu's office. He went in and saw Nezu who had a look of pure rage as he saw Izuku. What Izuku did next shocked Nezu to his very core.
"If I'm a traitor, you're a murderer." Izuku slowly spoke. He then threw his books on the floor, including his hero analysis books he has written, that had 'Hero Analysis For The Future Hero I'll Be.' Written on the cover. ( I know it doesn't say that, again, roll with it, my story- Not my story completely, BNHA/ MHA is not mine, I repeat, not mine) Izuku then left UA to walk home, not knowing what awaited him. He put his key in the lock, turned it and opened the door. Not in a million years would he have prepared for this.
(Warning slight gore)

As he walked in he saw his mother, blood pouring out of her mouth, her stomach ripped open and turned inside out, her intestines wrapped around her waist like a cruel corset. Her eyes were hollow pits and her ears were ripped clean off and shoved in her mouth. Her arms had been cut off, and were lying by her sides. Her hair had been burnt off and her legs were charred pieces of fleshy bone. Izuku vomited immensely while crying all the tears left in him. He threw up one last time after he stopped throwing up. He then called 119 and then 110 and after about ten minutes the police and ambulances arrived. The police then arrested Izuku Midoriya for the murder of his mother and the release of top secret information from UA school, along with breaking into UA school.


Authors note- Hey people! How ya doin?
It was so fun to write this first part, if around 5 people read this I'll probably do part two, if you don't want me to just let me know. I have until at most part 6 planned out, it's not much but it'll do.
1018 words total I this story. I didn't expect to write this much! Especially in part one, well, see you!
P.S sorry for all the typos, this is all on my phone, I fixed them as best as I could so sorry if there are any typos, my sincerest apologies if there are.

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