Peak at the next chapter

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The toxic green pooled and swirled in his eyes, the green highlights of his hair gleaming in the light, ash sticking to it. The fire licked his skin, singing the hairs on his arms, but he payed no mind to it.
The hot flames were hissing and the heat seared into his flesh, leaving a copper smell in the air. A long gash in his left side leaked blood, only a little. He'd lost too much blood for a drop or two to matter. The air blew into the building through a broken wall, giving the flames strength, roaring and swiftly spreading towards the wooden supports of the small building. The wood creaked and groaned at the weight above them, the fire weakening it and burning the wooden beams. Suddenly a sound of something rolling... like a marble on a smooth floor. He looked to his left. Ah. Dabi's head. "Fucker." He threw the head to the wall, pain blooming across his side. The wall, covered in blood and fleshy substance quickly ignited, leaving scorch marks on the cement wall.

He found that satisfying. Amongst all this chaotic mayhem, maybe he could find peace. He just needed to close his eyes a little...
Just for a little while. That wouldn't be too bad, right?

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