Chapter 1

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Chapter One - Nice to meet you!


Barking, Feet hitting the ground, chasing, thumps, and of course laughing. A Big bright smile formed on a young child's face. Giggling could be heard from the back yard along with barking.

In the kitchen a mother stood watching out the window. Her eyes helped form a soft expression on her face as she watched her 6 year old son play with a small puppy that they got him a couple weeks ago for valentine's day. She watched as her son would through the ball as the young puppy would run to fetch it but fall over his ears as doing so.

A knock on her front door turned her attention away from her son and his puppy. The young mother picked up a hand towel and dryed her hands before walking over to the front door of her house. Setting the hand towel on her shoulder she reached for the knob and turned it.

The door opened revealing a boy that looked no older than 15-16 years of age. The young teen had pitch black hair that laid upon his shoulders. Black eyes that resembles death its self. Fairly good looks for a teen male. Sexy as hell most people say when they see him. The young male was wearing a black suit and a golden watch on his right wrist.

Raising a hand to her face with a light tint of pink now forming on her cheeks, she spoke. "Oh dear, you could have came after your meeting Shouta"

Rubbing the back of his nape, the young male replyed "I still have an hour and a half before I have to be at my interview"

"Are you sure it wasn't any trouble to stop by" The mothers voice was full of worry.

She had really didn't intend to trouble the teen. She knew that the young teen was busy today and offered him to met her son another day but Shouta seemed to really wanna met him. Shouta's frind had shown him a post she made about babysitting her son when she was gone. She said that she would pay good money if anyone wanted to babysit for her.

Currently Shouta had skipped a couple grades due to being really intelligent. When he saw the post he knew he had to accept the offer, The money would help pay for stuff he needed in college. He also really wanted to met the young boy he would be babysitting. So that's why he insisted on coming before his interview with the principal.

"Not at all mistsuki, plus I really wanna meet the young one"

Shouta put a smile of happiness on display for her to see.

"Ah ok, I'll fetch him for you, go ahead and take a seat in the living room, its down the hall on left"

"Alright Mistsuki"

Mistsuki smiled as she made her way back to the kitchen and over to the window that rested above the sink. Looking out the window as she did earlier she seen her beloved son laying on the ground petting his puppy that laid next to him. Putting her hands by her mouth and cupping them she yelled.

"Katsuki! Come inside! Some one is here to met you"

Within two seconds all she seen our the window was her son's head popping into the air and jumping up. This caused his mother to let out a light chuckle as she watched her son come into the house, not far behind traveled his dog.

"Yes mom?" Such an innocent look was formed on his face.

"I have someone in the living room that wants to met you, dear" She took her left hand and ruffled his hair.

"Yay! King, come on! We have a new friend to make!"

With that's sentence all Mistsuki seen was her son run to the living room to met his new friend. She hoped they became good friends even though there was a age gap. Katsuki always had trouble making friends and when he did all they did was use him. When they couldn't get anything from him they tossed her poor boy to the side and left him. Kat always came home heart broken, so she is hoping the teen could become good friends, even for a couple months.

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