Chapter 2

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Chapter Two- Trying To Remember


"Hey bakubro your staring again"

Ya.... Here I was, staring at my teacher as he was busy teaching the class. The reason for this is that my teacher looks really familiar and I'm trying to figure out why. It's been itching at the back of my head for weeks on end. Just who is my teacher why does he look so familiar. This being the case is why can't I keep my eyes off him... well besides the fact that he's really hot... but that's another story.

"Shut it Kirishima! I'm not staring at the old man!"

"Sure.... You weren't just daydreaming about kissing him or havi---"


"Ouch babe! Why did you slap me for!" The red headed boy had whined out.

"Stop messing with Bakugo! This Is the first time our hot headed boy actually liked someone! Even if that person is our really good looking teacher"

"Huh, if you weren't with this hair for brains over here I would think you had a thing for our teacher Kaminari. Also wipe that drool going down your face" I Said with sarcasm well except for the part he was drooling because he was.

"I'm not drooling!" Kaminari got a little offended at the comment.

"Wow I feel cheated on kam.... Is our teacher really that good looking that you would drool over him but not me!"

"Never baby, your the only one I find attractive! I promise!"

"You two make me sick will all your flirting" I commented before making a gagging jester.

"Says the one who stares at our teacher all day!"

"I do not!" In reality I really do.


"Shut it Kirishima"

"Shut it! I'm trying to teach a lesson over here!"

"Y-yes sir" The three of us had stayed quiet often.

The two love birds have been together since we started UA high last year. They have always had a thing for each other but they took the longest time together. Actually everyone in the bakusquad has a lover except for me.

Mina our squad mom is with Sero our squad planner. Mina takes care of us when we need help or need to talk to anyone, she treats us as family. Sero is the one we call out planner because he plans what stupid stuff we are going yo do everyday and the time we do it. They got together 4 months ago. Mina and Sero have been friends scene kindergarten.

Kirishima and Kaminari met each other in 3rd great and have been really good friends since. Kirishima and Kaminari are the Squad's idiots. They always play video games or stay up and do stupid stuff because all of this they fail everything in school.... Sometimes I wonder how they pass every grade so far... it's a miracle. They are huge idiots but they are really important to me.

The 4 of them have been making fun of me for not liking anyone or not even being with anyone. Well that was till we got to 10th grade... where this teacher named Mr. Aizawa was. The moment I saw him on the first day of school I felt my heart race... and now I stare at him alot... and I can't help it but its not only because I find him attractive... it's also because whenever I'm near him I have flashes of memories from my past.

I still can't fully make the flashbacks out but I can sometimes tell what's happening with someone.. I just can't tell who the memories are with. For some reason he triggers them. That's why partly I like to stare at him so I can see if it triggers another one.

You see a month before I met the bakusquad I was in a car accident with my old Babysitter... the thing is when this occurred I lost most of my memories but kept a couple. I also don't remember who my old Babysitter is... the day of the accident, I heard that he blamed himself for not being more careful and that he was scared to come back around me because of it.

For years I have tried different solutions and ways to retrieve these faded memories. Sadly none of the techniques we have tried worked. I started to lose all hope that I would never get these faded memories back. The only ones besides my mom that knew about this was the bakusquad and my childhood friend deku... No one actually knows that since I been around Mr. Aizawa that my lost memories have been coming back besides Mina and Kaminari ... well faded at least. I still can't make them out fully.

I'm hoping that being around the teacher a lot more will help me figure out why he triggers my flashes and if we can figure it out then maybe I can get them all back... but that's going to be hard when he avoids me. I really don't know if I made if mad or not on the first day of school but avoids me like a lot for some reason.


Whenever I try and talk to him he looks worried and says 'I have work to do', 'I'm being called', 'got to be somewhere' or just walks off. It's been a week since I last tried to talk to him... after months of trying I kinda just gave up on it.



Jumping from my seat from being startled out of one of my dazes I feel on the floor after tripping over my seat. Ouch I think I broke my back. I rubbed my back with my left hand and as doing so let out a painful grunt.

After a minute or two of sitting there my eyes shot open. My blood red eyes were ment with 40 eyes different color pair of eyes belonging to each different Pearson. The room had gone silent... and I was sitting on the floor like an idiot. I let an embarrassed smile set on my face as I stood up and sat back down... eyes still laid on me.

"Stay after class, we need to talk Mr. Bakugo" Mr. Aizawa had a harsh tone to his voice... oh boy I did it this time.

"Yes Sir, sorry about that" I tried to sound as sincere as possible.

"Just pay attention or you will be in more trouble then you already are"

I just sat there and stayed quiet... silently waiting for our class to end... so I could get lectured about dozing in the middle of class... not the first time it happened ... so here we go, I guess..

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