Ch 4. Kiss Of Death

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While enjoying VE's performance, my phone went off


I quickly ran out the door and answered.

"Hello? Alex?"

"Hey Lyl, I called to see how you're doing. Is everything okay?" he sounded concerned

"Yeah. Definitely. I made a new friend and was just watching his band play live."

"Oh ok. I thought I had sensed something bad. I guess it's nothing."

"How's my baby doing?"

"Oh I'm fine thanks" 

"Not you, haha. my kitty!"

"Oh right yeah he's an angel."

I chuckled. We talked for a while about how I met my new 'friend' and that he was like me and the others in Motionless. I felt hands around my shoulders and jumped away quickly.

"Lyl? you ok?" 

"y-yeah I'm fine. I'll call you back to say goodnight" I hung up.

I turned to face Aaron who was leaning against the wall, waiting for me to finish talking to Alex. "Jesus hell don't scare me like that!" lightly punching his arm. "Sorry haha" "You guys were really great by the way" "What do you mean? You left half way through the first song!" he crossed his arms. "Sorry, I had to take a call, you're still great. what was that song about anyway?" before he could answer my phone rang. 


"Lyl come back to the bus, we're leaving soon." 

"Ok be right there."

"Who was that?" "oh uh it was my friend Chris fro-" he cut me off "from Motionless In White I know." "Yeah I'm staying with them on the tour. I gotta go, see you next venue" I smiled and hugged him. He squeezed tight at first but lightened his grip but didn't let go when I tried to pull away. "Uh, I gotta get back haha" He pulled away quickly and rubbed the back of his head. "s-sorry. I just love hugs." "That's cute, see you next date." I smiled and walked off. The way he hugged was different. Almost like he needed it. I felt bad for walking away so quickly. I noticed how lonely he might be. He was alone when he was ontop the bus, and alone when he came out. I felt a vibe of sadness. But why would he be sad and lonely  He was in a band traveling the world with 4 other men. not to mention the fangirls and bandwhores I'm sure they have cause they're all quite good looking men.

As I walked up to the bus, I noticed the lights were off, No sound coming from anywhere around the area. It was an uncomfortable silence. Opening the door and turning on the small lamp, I saw a piece of paper under it. 

Sorry we're not here right now, We were going to wait for you to come back to go grocery shopping but you took too long and the store was closing soon. don't fuck anything up -Balz

Of course HE would say that. I chuckled at the note. "Fuck I need to smoke" I rummaged around the bus for Ricky's smokes and a lighter. With my luck, I found some in his bunk, took one, lit it and walked outside. Not wanting to bother the others with the smell.

I stood against the bus and thought deeply. This life doesn't seem to hard. I really don't think about it much. It's almost like I'm not a Vampire. but that is until I get hungry and it's off to being a monster. I had always admired Vampires but not enough to wanna be one. I really didn't like it at first. Then I realized... I have immortality, I can pretty much make myself invisible to the living eye, kill practically anything with a single hand, move as fast as light. I noticed that I hadn't taken a drag from the cigarette yet. I sucked on the filter and breathed the smoke out of my nose and waited a second and took another slow drag.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2012 ⏰

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