The Huntress That Knows Many Faces

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Richie quietly jogs down the street, every time there is even the slightest noise he jumps behind whatever is closest to him hiding, he doesn't know whether he should take what that boy said seriously or not, to be completely truthful he seemed a bit crazy to Richie with all his frantic screaming and his buddy punching him in the face didn't leave the best taste in his mouth after their first encounter.

Richie continues down some streets looking for Stan but there was no sign for him, even when he went to their meetup spot he wasn't there, as Richie continues pacing down the street he hears some yelling from behind him down the street, Richie looks behind him, two people are running down the street towards him, "Shit!" Richie murmurs as he whips back around running down the street but right before he turns left around the corner a van to his right from the next street over, comes screeching around the corner towards him, the tall boy quickly leaps onto the fence next to him hurling himself up the top of it and drops off into the front yard of another house where the grass has overgrown up to his knee's, he notices that the fence doesn't mask the entire yard but only up to the corner, he takes a few leaps forward but then see's the lights from the van come wrapping around the corner of the fence, like a flash he dives into the tall grass, masking him but not completely from view of the van, Richie starts to quickly grovel through the grass towards some bushes to hide in but right before he enters the bush's shelter the two people who he saw earlier from down the road come sprinting around the corner, the darker boy doesn't see Richie but the girl with fiery ginger hair does, when suddenly two arms grab the pale boy by the shoulders pulling him into the bush with them, as he tries to protest the person covers his mouth with their hand silencing him.

"Shh shut up, you're going to get us both killed!" A girl hisses as she covers his mouth even more.

As Richie ignores her warning struggling, even more, to break free a gunshot puts him in place silencing him, Richie's attention shoots forward to the people in front of him as everything turns to slow motion he watches the darker boy fall to the ground face colliding first, then he just stays there not moving, another gunshot goes off and the girl also drops forward to the ground but she's still struggling, the van stops right next to them on the road as three guys hop out and walks over to their victims, two of them standing over her, as she murmurs something under her breath as she reaches out with her right arm towards Richie in the bush's, he understands one word she says "help." Right before another gunshot silences her, her head and arm drop to the ground slightly disappearing behind the grass.

"Okay, let's check em for anything." The taller boy of the bunch says as he kneels down beside the girl and starts rummaging through her pockets.

"Nothing here, his shoes are worn out and his pockets are dry I guess this bandanna will do." The blonde boy sighs as he rips it off the boys head, Richie notices its the same guy who was driving the van from earlier, though the dirty blonde boy is missing from the group this time.

"Man I don't think we shoulda killed this girl, she's a survivor, coulda' turned her into one of us ya know?" The buffer boy exhales as stands up.

"Nah this was her boyfriend, she woulda slit our throats while we slept," the taller boy says as he pushes his greasy hair behind his ear, "c'mon let's head back to camp, wonder if Henry caught that littler bugger he's been looking for." As he finishes his sentence he hops back into the van with the other two following behind and they drive off leaving the two behind just laying on the ground.

As the girl removes her hand from riches mouth he quickly runs out to the girl laying there and checks for a pulse, "what are you doing?" the mystery girl says as she emerges from the bushes behind him.

"She . . . she asked for help! Maybe we could've done something." He utters.

"There's nothing we could've done." She says with pity.

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