Chapter 2

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Tommy had traveled to London to see the Jewish gangster Alfie Solomon's to talk about the 'visit' of the New York Mafia. He wouldn't tell Martha much before he left, only that things may not go his way entirely.
Luca Changretta was making big threats against the Blinders, the whole family were affected in one way or another. Particularly the small children who now had to be under supervision constantly.
Martha took Karl, Ada's son, down the street to school one morning and as they turned the corner, she saw a tall man up the street watching her. The man didn't move, he just stood.
Martha grabbed Karl's hand and pulled his body closer. Her heart felt as if it were about to explode.
Her pace quickened as she speedily walked passed the man who smiled coyly and tipped his hat. When she had gone a safe distance from him, she looked back.
The man had turned around and was looking at her from the distance.
"... who's that?" Karl asked.
"I don't know pet. I don't like the look of it." She turned and saw Aberama and Bonnie across the street.
Aberama saw her first and nudged Bonnie who inmediatley looked concerned.
Martha's hands were shakinng as they came near.
"What is it?" Aberama asked.
Martha said nothing but indicated to the man up the street. The stranger, seeing who was at hand tipped his hat and disappeared into a crowd of people headed in the opposite direction.
"He was making eyes at Martha." Karl said matter of factly.
"Usually Karl, the term making eyes is used to indicate something friendly. That man wasn't exactly friendly." Martha said. She was looking at Bonnie who was still staring in the direction of the man.
"Where are you headed?" Bonnie asked quickly.
"To bring Karl to school." She responded.
"No, go home Martha. There's something wrong here." Aberama almost pleaded.
Without further explanation, Martha nodded.
She wanted to collapse on Bonnie all of a sudden, to kiss him and have him make her feel safe like he always could.
She felt exposed. She felt like she had during the raids. Helpless.
"Bonnie take her home, leave the Italian to me." Aberama said as he took off down the street.

"I like boxing." Karl told Bonnie as they neared home.
"Yeah?" Asked Bonnie.
"Are you any good at it?" Karl asked, hurling a stone at a small cat earning a slap on the arm from Martha.
"I'd say so." Bonnie asked, his mind on other things.
"Well here we are. Karl, ask Mr. Gold to come inside for tea, will you?" She smiled at the boy.
Karl nodded and brought Bonnie inside.
He declined tea but the minute Karl was out of sight, he grabbed Martha and pressed his lips against hers letting out a breathy fuck.
"That was close; Martha. That was too close. If the Italians got their hands on you..."
"But they didn't." She assured, taking his hand.
"Dad will deal with him but be careful in future Martha." Bonnie warned.
She nodded, before his lips were on hers again.
"I love you vest'ache." He breathed.
"I love you Bonnie Gold." She smiled.
Their lips met once more before Bonnie left.
Martha shut the door after him and turned to head into the kitchen where Karl was.
As she turned she saw Arthur and John, both looking at her, eyebrows raised.
"Not a word to Tommy." She pressed anxiously.
"Nahhhh." John smirked placing an arm around his sister.
"You're good kids." Arthur said gently.
"Now where the fuck is Finn." He said before leaving to find the youngest Shelby boy.

John and Martha sat in silence for a while. She told him about the man on the street and he told her that Ada had the same problem a day earlier.
"They're shaping up that's for sure." John said, chugging down a whiskey.
"But we're ahead right? Nothing we've never seen before?" Martha pried.
John looked quiet for a moment before nodding.
"We are the Peaky Blinders, Mar." He smiled.
"That we are." She replied.

Alfie was being particularly disagreeable this morning as Tommy was soon to find out. He seemed flighty and wouldn't settle on an agreement.
"You want my help, but you're leaving me fairly open here mate innit. I want to know what I get from this, for my valuable service." Alfie pestered.
Tommy stiffened in his seat and leaned forward slightly.
"My sister."
"the fuck... ?" Alfie began.
"My sister, Aflie. Martha Eisenburg Shelby is what could be in store for you."
"Mmm, pretty little thing I'm sure but what fucking good is she to me mate?"
"Her mother was a Jew. Her father is my father. Things can be arranged, Alfie. If you'll help with the Italians."
Alfie considered for a minute. Then a coy smile crept onto his face.
"Fucking Hell."

Bonnie trained with more aggression that might than any other night. He left his sparring partner in panting fits on the ground while he got washed and changed back into his suit.
Isiah approached him a moment later, a smirk on his face.
"Ready to take on Giant Goliath?" He teased.
Bonnie let his smile answer him but his mind was elsewhere.
"How was she?" Isiah asked earning a look.
"How does Martha like her men?" Isiah teased.
"Fuck off, preachers son." Bonnie warned.
Isiah smirked and walked on.

There was an ominous feeling in Martha's stomach as she tucked Karl and Charlie away to bed. She knew she was pawn in a bigger game but who's she didn't know.
She read the children nighttime stories and for the first time, she thought about starting a family with Bonnie. She knew he thought about it a lot but it had never crossed her mind. As she sat at the edge of Karl's bed, arranging his books, her mind flickered. Her old ailment came back and within a second, Karl was screaming for help as Martha lay unresponsive on the floor.

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