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Heyyyyy there! I finally made it! Yaaaay! ^^

So, let me introduce myself real quick and then get started~
So my name is Nira or Moon or whatever you want, heh
I don't know English as well so I may fuck up sometimes but you must know that I'm really sorry

Theeeeen. About you:

Name: y/n (your name), f/n (first name), l/n (last name)
Age: god knows. Depends on situation (or else y/a) but mostly all the time it's about 15
Other stuff like appearance: h/c (hair color), e/c (eyes color) and so on.
Oh ya'll see your quirk in the third chapter ;)
By now you're quirkless (sorryyyyyy)
But anyway:
- Lighter (lol I like the name)
Quirk: fire manipulation (lighter)
Use of quirk: You can create, shape and manipulate fire, the rapid oxidation of a material in the exothermic chemical process of combustion, releasing heat, light, and various reaction products, flame being the visible portion of the fire. Depending on the substances alight, and any impurities outside, the color of the flame and the fire's intensity will be different.
* Distance, mass, precision, etc. depend upon the knowledge, skill, and strength and your power's natural limits.
*  Resistance after overuse can slowly disappear for some time, so burning yourself is possible.
* May be unable to create fire, being limited to manipulating only from already existing sources if you're not trained enough.
* You barely can breathe while attacking with a lot of fire.
* Can be overpowered by water, ice or cold (not always, heeeeh).
* You can cover your whole body with fire .
* If you're «filled with energy», you can sparkle a little or even explode.
* Your rage of emotions can be easily seen. You can set yourself on fire because of the strong emotions you feel.
* If you're trained enough you can change temperature of your body, fire, even things (and space) around you.
Overuse of your quirk:
* You can end up unconscious because of the lack of oxygen.
* If you'll be using your quirk too much you can burn yourself (especially when using fire all over your body).
* Headache, unstable mood or pain in the eyes (only if you used full coverage).

Aaand that's it for now. Hope I would be able to write fast... ummm... I mean... I never could but... I'LL DO MY BEST! See ya~

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