Into the World

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The screaming of a woman filled the silent town as she pushes herself through the contractions, waiting for her doctor (slash Husband) to walk in the door. She lets out a sigh of relief when the contraction stops and then looks to the poor teenage girl waiting at the door.

"Can you see him? Is Grisha almost here?" She asks with short breath. The girl nods.

"His c-carriage is al-most h-here mam." She stutters as she eyes the blood that is beginning to stain the covers beneath the woman's legs. As the carriage pulls to a stop outside, sending up a cloud of red and brown dust, the poor woman screams again as another contraction hits her.

"Kalura!" A tall man with short, wavy brown hair and brown eyes hidden beneath his wire glasses, yelled out as he ran into range little wooden cottage. He freezes when he sees the blood underneath his panting wife. It was time for his child to say hello to the world! He breathes deep and then calls for warm water, towels and his medical bag.


The sore woman lay panting in her bed as a newborn cry fills the air.

"It's a boy Kalura!" The exhausted woman reaches her arms out, stretching them out with a sparkle in her eyes.

"Let me hold him..." Grisha nodded, walking over to place the babe in her arms. As mother stared into child's eyes a tear trickled down and landed on the now quiet boy's cheek. "Eren. I want his name to be Ere-" Kalura gasped as another wave of pain sliced through her. What was happening?!

"N-no!" She cried out as her beautiful baby boy was yanked from her arms. She continued reaching for her child as his screams rang out to mix with hers.

"There's another child!"

"Kalura look at me!"

"Dr. Jaeger!"

"Push!!!" An agonized scream rang out as she pushed for the fiftieth time that night, squeezing her stomach muscles until she could push no more. She gasped and lay panting as she stared at the ceiling. Everything was silent now. No noise was heard.

"Wah!" A shrill cry rang out.

"It's a girl."


Hello my loyal follwers! I told you I was re-writing Eren's Twin Sister and here it is! Also you guys have voted and the results are as such...

1) Four votes

2) Three votes

3) One vote

4) One vote

5) Seven Votes!

So the title is staying EREN'S TWIN SISTER !!!!

Thank you all so much for voting and staying with this story!!!!The next chapter will be up by next wensday!

~ Akaina

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