01~ The Twin's Name...

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That day, the world received a grim reminder...

"What's taking them so long?!" I whined as I looked out the window for the millionth time that morning. Eren and Mikasa had gone out to collect firewood to put away for winter.

"I don't know honey. Why don't you go and find them? Dinner should be ready in a couple minutes and your Father has to leave for another patients soon after." I smile at my mother. She was letting me leave!

Dad didn't like me to leave the house. I was the younger, weaker, female twin. He thought that I would break at the smallest sound. Mom knew better than that though. When dad wasn't here Mikasa and Eren would teach me how to protect myself. (I could now punch hard enough to break wood two inches thick!) But dad wasn't away often, so our friend Armin would bring me books to read. They come from his parents collection and talk of a whole other world! A world of snow, sand, oceans, war, sky scrapers, cars, guns.

I pulled my shoes on and raced out the door grinning. They were in for a huge surprise! I dash up and down streets, searching for a glimpse of bright red or dusty brown. I slow down to a walk as I pass by a man heading angrily towards the street ahead of us.

"I bet they didn't even find anything, the stupid pigs!"

"Kameron quiet down!" A woman yanked on his arm glancing around nervously.

"The Garrison might hear you." I sigh and follow them as a bell tolls out. By the time I reach the street a large crowd had already gathered. All I could here was screaming and crying as people muttered insults under their breath.

"We Didn't Get Any Closer To Finding Out What Those Things Really Are!" A harsh cry rings through the air. My gaze lands on the owner of the scream. It was a Scouting Legion Officer. He was kneeling in front of a wide eyes old woman. In the woman's arms was a bloody arm.

I don't really know what came over me. All I know was that I had to go and help that crying and sobbing man. The man who looked so broken.

My feet carried me forward and I walked up to the man, my eyes softening as I took in his tears.

"It's alright." Everything stilled as my voice rang out. No one spoke but me as I laid a hand on his shivering shoulder.

"It's alright to cry. Those who died are Hero's yes, but they were and foremost friends and family. So go ahead. Scream, shout, mourn as much as you want. But don't you dare give up Hope. When you give up Hope you are disgracing all those who have their life for us." My gaze traveled to the soldiers.

"They gave their life for us to live. For us to go out once more and search for answers. So what if you didn't find them now! Now you know where not to look for future reference." I step away from the man and kneel next to the woman, reaching out and re wrapping the arm, careful to not get blood on me.

"Take this price of your Hero home and praise him. Mourn for him and then live for him. He gave his life for you and your family." My voice was a whisper as I clasped the woman's shoulder and helped her up. She nodded with tears in her eyes and then walked through the parted crowd.

"Please." I spoke, turning back to the soldiers with pleading eyes. "Never give up Hope. For you are my, no our Hope. And if you give up Hope, then all is lost." I lock eyes with a bald man, and then with the blonde man next to him.

And then it was gone.

Whatever had taken a hold of me and allowed me to speak such wise and comforting words was gone.

"Hope!" I turned and watched an angry Eren storm towards me. I blink and Mikasa is next to him, scarf pulled up over her mouth as her eyes travel between me and my twin.

"Oh hey Eren." I smile nervously. He grabs my arm and then begins to pull me towards the edge of the crowd.

"Wait!" A voice behind us calls out. I yank my twin to a stop and then look over my shoulder.

"What's your name?" I smile. The man who asked locked eyes with me. His eyes were a startling blue, framed with blond hair.

"Hope. My name is Hope." And with that I dash after my twin.


So! This is the re-written chapter one! I know it's shorter than You wouldn've expected but this is for a reason. I wanted to go ahead and end it where I left it for the dramatic effect...and it was just a really good place to end the book! 

Please comment below and tell me if you thought this was better than the original version! XD

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