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Its difficult to belong in today's modern society
You get judged for simply attempting to bond over what they believe to be a:
'Horrible taste in music'
'Horrible taste in fashion'
'Horrible taste in people'
Horrible taste in anything really...
You're expected to have more than what you've got
And you've gotten more than what you've expected
You are placed in a situation where you'd wake up to utter confusion
And left with nothing more than torn up cardboard box filled with memories that should have been left behind
You swear that you've completely lost your mind.
You've explained to them, countless times, over and over
"I can't take it anymore"
"No more."
"Stop it"
And so it did.
But there they are...
Left with feelings of guilt and unbearable grief
And it still hurts for them
A pain that will stay with them forever

- a.k.a

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