*avengers playing hide and seek*

steve: guys pls stop hiding in the freezer its not funny anymore

peter, who is a spider and does not have bones: *hiding under the couch* no one will find me

tony, pulling out a metal detector: time to take off ur arm barnes

nat: lol n00bs *gets stuck on ceiling fan*

thor, who gave up eight rounds ago: I KNOW YOU CAN SEE ME STEVE

bucky: can i have some water pls

sam: chugs out of his own water bottle

sam: chugs too fast

sam: spills water all over himself

sam: no i dont have any water

peter: *t posing*

tony: y u do dis

peter: *points at smthn behind tony w/ his chin*

tony: *turns around*

the rest of the avengers, fortnite dancing at breakneck speeds: JoIn uS tOnY

tony: honest to god, from the bottom of my heart, what the fuck

*avengers on some county fair teacup ride*

t'challa, steve, and tony: spinning a little and chatting

peter, shuri, an bucky: spinning at max speed and screaming

bucky, holding a corndog or something over his head so pre-serum steeb cant reach it: sh0rt

pre-serum steve: B I T C H

sam: what if i taped knives to the shield

bucky: nah not permanent enough, sharpen the edges

peter: like a yeetable pizza cutter!

shuri: any pizza cutter is yeetable if you try hard enough


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