Rhodey: Tony you need sleep
Tony: sleep is for the week
Rhodey: Peter tell your dad he needs sleep
Peter, also sleep deprived: ᗰOᖇᗴ ᗴՏՏᑭᖇᗴՏՏO ᒪᗴՏՏ ᗪᗴᑭᖇᗴՏՏO
Tony: good boy have more antidepresso

Bucky: how can I be 70% water if I'm 100% That Bitch
Steve: PETER

Steve: oh! Sam, what are you?
Sam, obviously not in a costume: uh-
Bucky, dressed as Thomas Sanders: obviously a clown
Sam: I'm this close to hitting you with your own arm-

Sam: what are you doing
Bucky, with his metal arm in the freezer: nothin :)
Steve: *walks in*
Bucky: c'mere
Steve, backing away: no
Bucky: just come here
Steve: NO *runs out of room*
Bucky: *chases*

Pre-serum Steve: one day I will be Strong™ and Punch The Sun™
Bucky: uhh... Pretty sure that's not possible so uhh...
Steve: I will punch it
Bucky: look buddy,,, if you try to punch the sun your hand is gonna get burned up,,, not really sure what you're expectin there...
Steve: gonna punch it real good

Tony, Frustrated ™ at his underlings: can y'all give me a hand?
Steve: WAIT
Bucky: *rips off metal arm and yeets it at Tony Very Quick™*

Steve: did you just refer to the knife as a "people-opener" ?
Bucky, mouth full of cereal: should I not have?

Ellen: I heard you miss Bucky Barnes
Steve: more than words can describe
*Sniper light shines on Steve's chest*
Steve: omg Ellen u didn't

Stephen: *traps a wasp under a cup*
Peter: *puts two more cups on the table*
Stephen: pls no
Peter: *starts shuffling the cups*


uwu imma try to up date more

*Proceeds to probably not update for six years*

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