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It's been two weeks since Father's death. Adelaide still felt sad but she knew she had to move on, he told her that. Now she is running to a cook house. It's a big wooden shack right next door to the house. She loved how little flowers were put at both sides of the door. She then knocked on the door waiting for someone to open it. A young girl about her age answered the door. "Hello Miss, you Master Gabriel's sister right?" the girl says. "Yes, who are you?" Adelaide asks. She has never seen a girl like Lulu, dark skin, brown eyes, and curly hair that comes to her neck. She never has left her house since her mother tutored her at the house and she'd only play with the children who were around. "Lulu-Anna. Ya name is Adelaide right?" she asked, Adelaide smiles. "My brother asked me to tell you to make a basket full a food. They are going on a picnic near a river." She giggles at the idea of them kissing while the food was on the ground. "Alright then Miss Adelaide, I'll make it." Lulu says. "You can come in if you want." Adelaide then walks inside. "Lulu, why would a young girl like you be here working and not at home with your mother." Adelaide asked. "Miss Adelaide, you know about slavery right?" says Lulu. Adelaide shakes her head. She knew about slavery a little bit, just the words meaning of making someone work without pay. "So, you are a slave?" Adelaide asked. Lulu nods "Yes Miss Adelaide.". "Oh." she couldn't believe that. A young girl being a slave! That's impossible, not right! Why would anyone do this? Why would her brother do this?

Adelaide went back to the house and went to check on Gabriel.

"Here is the basket!" she says. "Thank you Ade." he says. "I have a question though, are there, uh, slaves on your plantation?" she asked. "Yes Ade. Most plantation owners own them.". "Why would you own slaves when you can pay workers?" Adelaide asked. "Well, yes, but it gives more money to make them work for free." Gabriel says. "Okay Adelaide why don't we just stop talking about this. The slaves get food and shelter for the free work they do. They get good things for the work. They are alright so don't care about it!" he says. Adelaide then left quietly and listens to Gabriel. They are alright. Don't worry Ade, they are.

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