I woke up today, with Anthony holding me close, and my head in the crook of his neck. My shirt and pants off, and same with my bra and panties. I slowly moved my head from his neck, and saw him sleeping soundly.
I lightly kissed his lips, and his cheek. "Anthony, wake up." I whispered, as he opened his eyes. "Wassup." he said, kissing me. "Good morning." I smiled, and he did too. "Good morning." he kissed me, and I kissed back slowly.
"You were good last night baby." he whispered kissing my neck. "You were too." I smiled, but sighed thinking about what he'd be like later. "I'm gonna go wake up Troy." I said, getting up, putting on my robe. "Alright."
I went in Troy's room, and he was in his Handy Manny pajamas. I rubbed his forehead, and kissed it. "Good morning, sweetie." I whispered, as his eyes opened. "Hi momma..." he reached his arms out and I hugged him and picked him up.
"Did you sleep well?" I asked, walking to Anthony and I's room. I walked in, and Anthony was under the comforter, watching TV. Troy hid himself in my neck, scared to see Anthony. His own father.
I rubbed his back, and kissed his forehead. "Hey Troy." Anthony rubbed his back, and Troy held me tighter. "Momma, I'm scared." he whispered in my neck. "Sh, baby don't be, mommy's got you." He kissed my cheek, and I smiled.
"Anthony, I'm gonna go get him breakfast. He's hungry." I said, looked at Anthony, who was visibly half naked. "Okay baby." I walked into the kitchen, and Troy kissed my cheek. "Momma, daddy is being nice today..?" he said, as I put him down holding my hand. "Not for long honey, don't get used to it." I kissed his forehead, and started getting Troy's breakfast.
I gave it to him, and he ate. I heard my phone go off, and it was an unknown number.
"Hello?" I asked. "Hey, Samantha, it's Craig." I smiled hearing him. "Hey, how are you?" I asked sitting next to Troy. "I'm great, now that I'm talking to you." He said, making me blush.
"Well, maybe we should hangout sometime.." I said, and I felt a pair of strong hands grab me and throw me on the floor. I screamed, and Anthony hung up the phone. Troy looked scared, and got in a corner, like I always told him to do when Anthony started beating me.
"Anthony, stop! Please!" I yelled, as he slapped me across my face. "Shut up!" He screamed, pulling me by my hair to the living room. I screamed and cried, as I heard Troy's little food steps run to the living room.
"Anthony! Stop! Stop!" He punched my in my eyes, and scratched my chest. I was screaming and yelling for help, but it was useless. "Please! Help! somebody! Troy! Call 911!"
I assumed he called them, after me yelling it repeatedly. I heard the noises of the phone being dialed, and his little feet run into another room. "Anthony! Please!" I begged, feeling weak. I guess Troy called the police and ran out to the living room again.
"Daddy! Don't touch momma!" he yelled, pushing Anthony off of me. "Daddy stop!" I felt like I was about to pass out as I was breathing heavy, feeling weak. I heard the door bust open, seeing the police. Troy hugged me tight, scared to death.
I saw Anthony being handcuffed, and him looking at me with pure evil. "Mommy. I'll protect you" Troy said, kissing my bleeding cheek. I was on the floor, seeing a cop walk over to me. "Ma'am, the paramedics will be here soon" I nodded, and the cop walked off, as Troy held me tighter.
"Thank you honey.." I said out of breath, scared.
The paramedics came, and they took me on a stretcher, and brought Troy in the car with me.
I was in the hospital room, with Troy there with me. Just the two of us. I asked the hospital to call a few people for me. They called my friend Rebecca, and my ex boyfriend/best friend Jacob.
Troy was in the hospital bed, watching TV with me, laying on my chest. I heard a knock at the door, and answered weakly. "Come in.." I saw Rebecca, Jacob and... Craig?
We both gasped, and smiled. "Hey Sam, how are you feeling?" She walked slowly towards me, and Troy hugged her. "Hi aunty Becky!" he said, lying back down on me. "Hi sweetie." she smiled at him, and brought her attention back to me. "I could be better." I said, coughing and Troy getting me a tissue. "Thank you babyboy." I kissed his forehead, and coughed into the tissue, later seeing blood in it.
"Troy honey, pass mommy the trash can plese." He got off of me, and gave me the trash can. I threw out the tissue, and laid back down weakly. Troy kissed my cheek, and laid back down on me.
"Samantha, sorry if I didn't introduce you two, but this is Craig, Craig this is--" Craig cut him off mid sentence. "Samantha." he said, smiling at me, making me blush. "Oh, so you too have met before?" he asked. "Yeah... but anyways, we're not here to talk about me, we're here to see this beautiful girl who's hurt in the hospital." I smiled, and looked down.
Troy looked up at me, and whispered in my ear. "Momma, is he your boyfriend?" I shook my head, and giggled. "No honey, he's a friend. Keep watching Diego." I kissed his cheek, and he laid back down on my chest.
"Sam, I'll be back." Rebecca said, pulling Jacob's shirt. "Yeah, I'll be back too." He left, and Rebecca called over Troy. "C'mon Troy, we're gonna go get some food." Rebecca winked at me, and I nodded. "Okay!" he kissed my cheek, and got out of the bed. "I love you mommy!" he yelled in the threshold of the door. "I love you too honey!" I said, as Craig was the only one in the room with me.
"So..." I fiddled with my fingers, and looked down. "So, how'd you end up in here?" he said, taking a seat next to the bed. "Well my um, my now ex boyfriend, he abused me, for 3 years...and now I'm here. Just healing." I said, tearing up, looking down embarrassed.
"I'm so sorry." he said softly, as I wiped my tears. "It's okay, it's not your fault. It's not like you knew what was going on." As I said that, I felt his soft, tender lips touch my cheek. I looked into his eyes, and he looked back. He kissed me, and I kissed back, bringing his body closer to me, deepening the kiss. He slowly pulled away, and smiled. "Woah..." He whispered.
I blushed, and he lifted my chin. "Your cheeks have been bright red since I stepped in here..." He said, as I smiled. "Because of you...you make me nervous." I whispered. "You make me nervous. Your beautiful eyes, your bright smile." he said stroking my cheek.
I haven't liked someone as much as I did Craig, since Anthony and I first met. When I had Troy, Anthony became abusive. So to feel like I'm good enough, and beautiful enough for someone as handsome as Craig, made me feel loved.
"Th-Thank you." I looked down, and he kissed my cheek. After he kissed my cheek, I heard the door open. "Momma! Aunty Becky took me to get a happy meal! Look at my toy!" He yelled, running to me, holding up the toy. "I see baby, it's cool." I picked him up, and he sat in my lap. He rested his head in my neck, and I felt his hair softly tickling my neck.
"Here Samantha, I got you some food." Rebecca said, handing me the McDonald's bag, and a cup with a milkshake in it. "Thank you." I said. Troy played with his toy as I ate, and I fed him some fries.
Jacob called Craig outside, and Troy cuddled closer to me. "Mommy, am I ever gonna see daddy again?" he asked, looking down. "I don't know honey, maybe you will...but I don't think so boo." I kissed his cheek, and he teared up. I sighed, and sat him up facing me.
"Troy baby look at me." I lifted his chin, and kissed his little nose. "Baby listen. Your daddy did bad things, so daddy's gonna get in trouble for them. You might see daddy again, but you won't see him as much as you used to okay munchkin?" I kissed his cheek, and he didn't answer me. "Okay babycakes?" I tickeled his stomach, and he laughed. "Okay mommy." he smiled and hugged me tight. "I love you."
"I love you too momma." I kissed his cheek, and I smiled.
"Alright Troy, now play with your toy." He laid back on my chest, and played with his toy.

Brutal Love [BOOK 1]
FanfictionSamantha Bronchoes, the young single mother of her three-year-old son Troy, escapes the dangerous home which they lived with Troy's abusive father, Anthony. While Samantha finds her way out of her abusive, long-term relationship, she finds "the man...