Last night, Troy and I fell asleep in a new apartment Anthony has. Troy and I slept just like when I was still with Anthony. Holding me as close as he could, and never letting go. I woke up, still in my designer, $4,000 wedding dress Prod bought for me, with my stilettos off, and my hair still curled and down. "Troy baby, wake up honey" he looked up at me, bringing his head up from my chest. "Yes momma?" I kissed his forehead. "Good morning baby" I whispered.
"Good morning momma" he said, and kissed my cheek. "Love you" he whispered. "Love you more" I snuggled him closer, and stroked his hair, which still had gel in it from when Prod gelled it back into a ponytail for the wedding. I played with the puffball, and he looked at me, and I kissed his nose.
I heard footsteps, and Troy held me close. "Momma..." he whispered, scared to death. I closed my eyes and kissed his forehead. "Bitch. Get up." he nudged my hand with his foot, and I looked up at him. "I said get up!!" He yelled, and I got up, with Troy still in my arms. His tears were softly hitting my bare shoulder, and I rubbed his back. "Take it off." I looked at him confused. "Take what off?" I asked. "The dress. All of it." he whispered, and I shook my head. "N-No..." he slapped me hard across my face, and I screamed.
"TAKE THE SHIT OFF" I nodded, and put Troy down. I held his hand, and Anthony took him. "Where are you taking him?!" I yelled. "Nigga calm down, I'm taking the kid in the corner." my eyes widened. "You're making him watch?!" I asked. "Damn right." he whispered. "No, please, you can do what you want with me, just please don't make him watch, please" I pleaded.
"Fine." He picked him up, and I blew Troy a kiss, and he nodded. "Bye momma" he whispered. I took off my dress, and Anthony came back. "You're not done, everything." I sighed, and stripped myself naked. "Good, now come here." he put me on the bed, and I was shaking and crying, scared to death.
When it was over, I went in the corner of the room, shaking, completely disturbed from the whole thing. My heart was beating fast, and my body was worn out. I looked at my engagement ring, that was on my left ring finger, and I thought of Prod. I thought about when he used to kiss me, and make love to me. I miss him. I miss his precense. I need to get out of here.
"A-Anthony" I whispered. "What." he looked over. "Can you get me a towel p-please?" I asked. "Sure." he threw me a towel, and I wrapped it around myself. "Can I go see Troy?" he shooed me, and I walked over to see him sitting on a couch, crying with his hands over his face. "Troy baby?" he looked up at me, and ran to me. "Momma?" he hugged me, and I picked him up, and kissed his cheek. "Baby boy, we're gonna get out of here okay?" he nodded, and I hugged him tighter. "Come here honey, are you hungry?" he nodded in my neck. "Okay baby, come with me to tell Anthony..." I whispered. He held me close, and I walked back in Anthony's room.
"Anthony?" I whispered, scared. "What." he carelessly said, changing the channel on the television. "Troy is hungry, we didn't eat...can we?" he sighed. "Go 'head and get what you want, I could care less." I walked out, and I walked into the kitchen, seeing cereal.
"Baby, you're having cereal okay?" he nodded, and I got the milk. I gave him the cereal, and he ate. I sat him in my lap, and he started eating the cereal. "Troy honey" I whispered. "Yes momma?" he looked at me. "We're gonna get out of here okay?" Troy nodded, and I heard a soft noise coming from the window. I saw Prod's face, and I gasped. I walked over, and opened it. "Baby, oh my goodness..." he kissed me, and I smiled.
"C'mon, we're getting out of here..." I picked up Troy, and tried getting him through the window. I heard Anthony, gasped, and stopped. "Run, go go, leave us here. Go!" I kissed Prod's cheek. "No, I'm not leaving here without my fiance" he whispered, crying his eyes out. "Just go baby, I love you so much" "I love you way more" he said, and ran off.
Anthony came out with his gun. "WHAT WAS THAT NOISE?!" I was shaking and shrugged. He ran outside, and saw Prod. "BABY RUN! PLEASE!" He ran to the car, and Prod put him in, but before he could get around, Anthony shot, and Prod fell to the ground. "BABY!!!" I cried hard, and covered my mouth. "Get up baby! Get up please!" I looked at Anthony, and shook my head. "HOW COULD YOU SHOOT HIM?!" He slapped me to the floor.
"Bitch, shut up." He said, making me cry harder. Minutes later, I heard sirens. I gasped, and looked out the window. I saw them take Prod on a stretcher, then slowly drive off. I held Troy, who was traumatized, and couldn't even speak. "Come here baby, we're getting out. I don't care if I get hurt... I just want you to be safe." I kissed his cheek, and he nodded.
Prod's POV
I woke up in a cold hospital, and my arm wrapped up. I saw my babygirl, Ari, with my mom by my bed. "Mom?" she looked at me. "Hey sweetheart..." I looked at Ari, and she's softly sleeping. "What happened?" I asked. "You were shot baby, you got shot in your arm." I looked around, and reached my arms out for Ariana. "Come here baby" My mom gave her to me, and I smiled. "I bet you miss your momma...she's coming back. Daddy's gonna save her." I kissed her small little forehead, and her eyes slowly closed.
Samantha's POV
It's 4 AM. I'm up with Troy, about to escape. I held his hand, and tried to get out of the door without waking Anthony. Before we left, I decided to take his handgun, just in case he tried to shoot. I slowly turned the knob, holding Troy's hand. I turned the knob, and opened the door, hearing Anthony. I shoved Troy through the door, and held the gun close to me.
I heard footsteps, and told Troy to run to any house, and ring the doorbells to call for help. Anthony walked out, and as soon as he saw me with the gun, his eyes widened. "Sama-"
"SHUT UP." I said, feeling as if I wanted to shoot him now. "You made my life a living hell. You beat me, you've raped me, and the only good thing you gave me was my son." I coldly stated, walking closer to him. "You deserve to die. You hurt people to please yourself... I'm sick of you. I hope you burn in hell." he walked over to me, trying to hit me. I closed my eyes, and pulled the trigger, hearing a loud BANG! I heard the sound of his body fall to the floor, and I opened my eyes. I looked at his body, and noticed I shot him in the chest.
I sighed, knowing I killed my high school sweetheart, my first time, and the father of my son. But I needed to do it. If I didn't, I would've been miserable. Knowing he can't breath again, and can't hurt another person, made me happy. I called the police, looking for Troy. "Baby! Troy sweetie!" He ran to me, and I hugged him tight, putting the gun down. "Momma, a lady called the police for daddy..." I nodded. "Okay baby... let's just wait until they come." I picked him up, and he held me closely.
I heard sirens, and a police officer walk over to us. I held Troy closely, and the man shook my hand. "Ma'am what was wrong?" I sighed. "It's a long story..."
Prod's POV
I heard a soft knock at the door, and heard the doctor. "Mr. Carter, you have a few visitors..." he opened the door, and I saw Samantha and Troy. She ran to me, and hugged me tightly. "I missed you so much" she cried. "I missed you way more" I whispered, kissing her. She kissed back, and I rubbed her cheek. Samantha looked to her left, to see my mom holding Ariana. She gasped, and hugged my mom, then held Ariana.
"Babygirl, momma missed you so much... I never want to feel like I'll lose you ever again." she kissed her soft forehead, and she smiled. Troy ran to Prod, and Prod picked him up. I felt Troy softly cry on my chest and say, "I love you daddy." he cried. "I love you too Troy." I whispered.
She held Ariana close, and she laid against my chest. "I love you..." She whispered to her.
Now that everything is back to normal, I can finally be happy again, without worrying about Anthony. Our lives are back to normal again.

Brutal Love [BOOK 1]
FanfictionSamantha Bronchoes, the young single mother of her three-year-old son Troy, escapes the dangerous home which they lived with Troy's abusive father, Anthony. While Samantha finds her way out of her abusive, long-term relationship, she finds "the man...