bio & equipment

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name:isaac freeman(issei hyoudou)
race:devil(former),human w/ superhuman abilities.
-hyoudou residents(former and disowned)
-gordon freeman(adopted father)
-alyx vance(adopted auntie)
-barney calhoun(adopted uncle)
-Dr.eli vance(adopted grandfather)
-Dr.issac kleiner(mentor)
-DxD team(former)
-Devil faction(former)
nice,friendly,helpful,geniues,serious,creative,jokester,deadly(when angered him),chill.

hazmat suit:

capabilities:-it can protect the user from any hazardous environment

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-it can protect the user from any hazardous environment.(such as poison,toxic chemicals and etc.)
-its shield protection can store over 300 to 500 and use it as healing compartment.
-it can protect the user from any physical damage.(bullets, grenade shrapnels, etc.)
-it has a built in flashlight that can last up to 24 hours.
-it can auto heal the user from any damage in a period of time using the built in shield.
-it is likely immune to magic damage.
-it can store any weapons and ammunation.
-it has build in walkie-talkie and a radio.
-it can show vital signs from any damage inflict from the user.
-it has a I.D system preventing others on using the hazmat suit.
-it is solared powered to restore the shield.
-comfortable for the user.

•mp7 machine gun-it is a weapon used by the combine and it can a lot of damage similar to a assault rifle,but its ranged and accuracy is a bit falty,and it has a one-round built in grenade launcher.

•combine pulse rifle-a powerful weapon used by the combine which it can pierce through concrete and steel, it has a built in pulse energy launcher which it can disintegrate enemies and it is bounce around solid objects.

•colt python-accurate and yet powerful weapon which it can armor pierce a concrete from each shots it holds,powerful but yet accurate weapon of choice.

•combine spas 12-a shotgun used by the combine units and overwatch,it can hold up to 8 shells(i think?),and it is very powerful in close-ranged attacks.

•resistance crossbow-a accurate crossbow used by the resistance deadly but yet efficient sniper rifle,its ammo utilize on a burning steel rubar which it can pierce enemy armor with ease but it is yet in effective against close range or fast creatures from a distance.

•zero point energy field manupilator-a power weapon which it is very powerful and indestructible,it can lift any objects and throw it against any enemy from above or below.

•mk3A2 grenade-a grenade which explodes by pulling the pin from the grenade it can deal alot of damage from enemy hordes and it can also deals a lot of splash damage from enemy vehicles.

•resistance RPG-powerful rpg launcher that has a built in heat-signature into the weapon,it can destroy any heavy vehicles or even air units with ease.

•USP match pistol-a light yet powerful side arms that used by the combined,and it can use to kill infantry units with ease especially zombies or even more.

•crowbar-effective close range weapon that used for attacking enemies in close-range combat,this weapon is able to wack barraced or even boxes for effective usage.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2019 ⏰

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