Our First Group Chat?!?!- Chapter 1

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Izuku Midoriya has been enjoying his time at UA high school. Izuku also enjoys all of his classmates. Like hanging out with Todoroki, Iida, and Uraraka during lunch and outside class. Now we begin the story with young Midoriya and all of Class 1A on their break before lunch. Now let's see what they're doing during this break.

" Man the afternoon classes are totally gonna suck. I never got a chance to study for that quiz" Denki said to everybody. " It's alright Denki as long as we study before that class you should be all set to go with passing that quiz" Kirishima said to Denki excitedly trying to help raise Denki's spirits. " Yeah you're right Kirishima. I can ace this quiz as long as I study" Denki said to Kirishima with a sparkle in his eyes. " Yeah that's the spirit Denki!!" Kirishima said to Denki with excitement in his voice. " Anyways you guys shouldn't we all have a group chat just to remind people about events going on. Like the pop quiz in math, or history. We should also have a group chat just to remind everybody about upcoming events like the first dance of the year" Midoriya said to everybody proposing the idea. " Hey that's not a bad idea. Leave it up to me to make the group chat. I will make sure that everybody is added to the group chat" Kirishima said to everybody.

" Alright let's form a study group. Whoever needs to study should come over here and get out there math textbooks" Yaoyozoru said to everybody in the class. " Well you can count me in. Because I literally need to study for the math quiz or else I'm totally gonna fail it" Denki said heading over to the corner of the room where Yaoyozoru stood. " Alright anybody else joining for a quick study session before lunch?" Yaoyozoru asked everybody. " All four of us will join you so we don't fail that quiz with Mina, Sero, Sato, and me" Kirishima said dragging the rest of them to the corner where Yaoyozoru was at. " Alright last call before we start the study session" Yaoyozoru asked everybody. " So do you guys wanna study?" Midoriya asked all of his friends. " I'm all good for right now. And plus I know I will ace that quiz but how about you Iida and Shoto?" Uraraka asked Shoto and Iida excitedly. " I know I will ace that quiz. If I don't then my parents will be disappointed in me. Because I always get 90's and 100's on quizzes and tests" Iida said to Midoriya, Uraraka and Shoto. " Talk about a teacher's pet" Everybody in Class 1A said to Iida. " I know for certain that I can pass the quiz in math. If not then that just means I will have to study harder to pass the next quiz or test" Shoto said to Uraraka, Iida, and Midoriya in a monotone voice.

" All of you guys have 15 minutes left of your break before lunch so use it wisely. In the mean time I'm gonna take a nap until afternoon classes begin" Aizawa said to all of his students before cocooning himself in his yellow sleeping bag. " Well you guys let's review real quick" Yaoyozoru said to her study group guiding them like a teacher. " Do we have to?" Denki asked already getting sick and tired of the math formulas that were starting to make his head hurt. " Yes we have to unless you want to fail that math quiz. So focus or you'll regret it later if you fail the math quiz" Yaoyozoru said to everybody who was already groaning. " Now Denki because you complained about doing math first. Let's start off with something easy and we will work our way up to hard. So Denki what's 2x + 5= 10-15?" Yaoyozoru asked Denki in a questioning tone. " So wouldn't we take care of the 10 and -15 on the right side and combine them. Which would then mean that we would get 2x +5= -5 then we would subtract the 5 and have it cancel out on the left side. Which would then leave us with 2x=-10 then divide -10 by 2 and our answer is x= -5. Done how do you like that?" Denki said answering the question. " Not bad for basic algebra. Well at least I know you're good with that right now. So you should be all set to pass the quiz. As long as you study your stuff and study a bit during lunch you should be all set to pass the quiz" Yaoyozoru said to Denki. " Well I dismiss this study group as done. Because we only have 5 minutes left to pack up for lunch and head over" Yaoyozoru said to everybody in the study group.

The bell ringed to signified that lunch has started. And so everybody from Class 1A and Class 1B headed over to the cafeteria to grab lunch. At a table you can see Sero, Denki, Kirishima, Mina, and Bakugo sitting at a table right next to Midoriya's table. Midoriya's table consists of Midoriya, Uraraka, Shoto, Iida, Aoyama, Ojiro and that's pretty much about it. The last table consists of the other students sitting together like Tokoyami, Koda, Shoji, Sato, and Mineta. The last table is the girls which consists of Jiro, Yaoyozoru, Asui, and Toru. Sometimes they switch up who they sit with like the next day Mina could be sitting with the girls and then sits with the guys the next day, and etc.

Class 1A & Class 1B Group Chat| A My Hero Academia StoryWhere stories live. Discover now