•|| Claude X Reader ||•

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With Claude's claim to house Riegan now considered as legitimate, his grandfather shows him the life of a Fódlan nobel. During this time he is taken to one of the best theaters in the country, where he meets one of the best dancers the Liecester Alliance has to offer. This dancer is you, being one of the youngest and best of your kind. When you meet the new heir to house Riegan you do not bend a knee nor curtsey, surprising Claude but in a good way. Upon getting to know each other, Claude asks you to join the academy with him.


Coming to Fódlan was a risk, even just as an idea. Claude knew this, he wasn't sure what he was if he wasn't a risk taker. The master tactician thought of everything that could go wrong, the most likely being his grandfather calling him a liar and throwing him away. To his surprise it was the opposite, instead he was just met with questions. After a bit of digging into his background, Claude was named the new heir to house Riegan and the Liecester Alliance much to his surprise. Still in good health, his grandfather took Claude to see all of Fódlan's wonders.

So here he sat in a theater house in one of the top balconies. His grandfather watched the performance calmly, waiting for the main event to come on stage. The company had personalized tonight's lineup just for them, leaving their best act for last. The announcer came on the brightly lit stage once the performers cleared off, a wide smile on his face.

"Oh behalf of all our performers, we thank you all for coming out tonight. For our last performance we have a lovely treat, dedicated to our new heir to the Leicester Alliance. Our {Y/n} {L/n} has created a new and heart touching routine...Please, give her a warm welcome." He said before backing off the stage. The crowd would clap then the curtain opened once it calmed down. The mix of golden and purple hues hitting the backdrop set the stage beautifully. On the stage stood two figures, a women and a man. The man was basic, dressed in all black and had looked more like a prop then anything. But the women, she caught Claude's attention to say the least. Claude's grandfather have him a small nudge, seeing his grandson slack jawed.

When the orchestra started to play the two started to move. Each twirl, turn, twist and step seemed effortless and was perfect. Her outfit only made the performance better, long ribbon like pieces of fabric flowing off her sleeves to put emphasis on her movements. Each time she turned, her dress would turn with her, having the same effect as the strands on her sleeves. A few more intricate moves put the crowd in awe, especially at the times where her male dance partner would lift her. By the end she was holding on to her parters arm, her body inches away from the stage floor. Her chest would rise and fall as she panted the music coming to a halt to signal the end of her set.

After a briefly moment of silence the crowd stood up, their hands flying together wildly to clap and signal their appreciation. A few would throw flowers like roses, orchids, and dahlias. The two dancers stood up straight and did a small bow before exiting the stage, happy it went off without a hitch or mistake. The announcer came back on stage but Claude didn't care anymore, instead he thought about the dancer he had just watched. The crowd started to clear out and he stood up planning to do the same before his grandfather stopped him.

"The performers would probably be delighted to met you, of course that's only if you agree." The older man said.

"Oh, I suppose I'll grace them with my prescense then." Claude said, holding a small smirk. He left his grandfather to do whatever it was he was going to do and made his way backstage. Quietly he snuck past most the performers he didn't remember, knowing if he was caught he'd need to awkwardly shake hands with everyone. Down a hallway stood the last preformer of the night, taking a bouquet of roses from some random nobel.

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