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Honey instantly dropped to the floor, using her hands to cover her head

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Honey instantly dropped to the floor, using her hands to cover her head. Her drink slipped out of her hands in the process, spilling onto the floor next to her sneakers. The drink was the last thing on Honey's mind though. She was scared, knowing there was an active shooter at the party.

All she tended to do was go along with her bestfriend to this kickback and chill with her peers. Never did she expect to be caught in a place where her life could be in danger again.

Cyn quickly grabbed Honey's hand, yelling over the hysterical cries of the crowd. "Let's go make a quick exit to the door!"

Honey nodded rapidly, leaping to her feet. She squeezed Cyn's hand tightly, quickening her pace as she tried to contain her panic and fear. They attempted to escape to the front door, pushing pass anyone in the way.

Although, it was extremely difficult considering all the party goers were trying to exit at the exact same time. People were shoving each other, toppling over into heaps right in entranceway of the home. Even, Honey had to keep a steady hold on her balance before she ended up crashing into the ground with everyone else.

Several more shots reverberated through the home.

A lump in her throat formed in her throat, a key indicator she was seconds away from bawling like a baby if she didn't get out of this house fast enough. She tried to keep her composure, but Honey was terrified. She had never been involved in no shootouts or anything of the sort. She had no shame in admitting that she wasn't about that street life. She might've lived in the hood earlier in her life, but never did she dabble in guns, gangs or drugs.

Her heart pounded in her chest, sweat rolled down her temple as she caught herself last minute from being trampled. When did the party get so packed like this? At this rate, I'll be lucky to even make it out of here alive.

In the distance, someone let out a piercing scream full of anguish.

Honey's heart stopped, despite the chaos all around her..the scream was loud and clear. Against her better judgement, she took a peek over her shoulder, craning her neck over the heads of the people. Just in time to see an undistinguished body, laying limply on the floor with what looked to be a puddle of blood forming around them.

Honey's eyes doubled in size, whipping her head forward so fast that she almost caught a whiplash. She didn't have time to dwell on what she had seen because Cyn dragged her outside of the home.

An invisible weight was lifted off her shoulders as the cool air nipped at her skin. She had never been so happy to see the outside world like she did in that moment.

Her and Cyn ran blindly, putting a large distance in between them and everyone else. They were jogging down the street, passing by house after house and venturing even further into the hood.

When she was sure that they were far away from the party, Honey started to slow down, her lungs were on fire and she couldn't keep going even if she wanted to.

She finally released her vice grip Cyn's hand. "Do you know where we are?" She panted, her chest heaving up and down as she tried to catch her breath.

She didn't recognize where they had run to. One thing she knew for certain was that it wasn't a safe neighborhood by any means. The tell-tale signs of graffiti, demolished homes and the lack of streets was a dead giveaway that they were still in the trenches.

Cyn's steps halted completely, rubbing her chest with a wince. "Girl, hell no. I've never been around here." She breathed, fanning herself.

Honey stopped alongside her, swiping a shaky hand across her moistened face. "Lawd, that's just fantastic. Is it me or is it so dark out here? I can hardly see my hand in front of my face." She squinted into the distance, trying to make out their surroundings.

All of a sudden, an idea popped in her head. "Everything is going to be okay. I'm gonna just text my dad and share my location with him so he can pick us up. This neighborhood gives me the creeps." Honey dug in her pockets, retrieving her phone and sending a quick text to her dad.

"Good thinking. I'm surprised your brain is even functioning correctly after all this bullshit. I can't lie, a bitch was scared." She waved a hand around, plopping on edge of the curb with a heavy sigh. She positioned her body underneath the only flickering streetlight on the block.

Honey joined her, pulling her knees to her chest."You're not the only one. I was so afraid. I've never experienced something like that before. My mind was going crazy." She shook her head slowly, the images flickered vividly through her mind.

"That was so wild. Imma stay my ass at home. No more parties for a long time. I never felt fear like that." Cyn spoke, her voice wavered slightly.

Honey turned to face Cyn, engulfing her into hug. "At least, we got away unharmed. Let's get in our bougie bag and turn down these ratchet parties cause I can't lose you and you can't lose me."

After stroking her back for a few seconds longer, Honey drew back as her phone vibrated on the sidewalk. She unlocked her phone, skimming over her notifications. She opened her father's message which was a simple, "Okay. I'll be there as soon as I can. I'll let you know when I'm on the way."

Then she opened Angel's message after that, reading over the contents of the message. "Are you okay? Girl we lost track of y'all in the chaos. Text me back ASAP so I'll know y'all ok xoxo."

She texted back both her father and Angel, locking her phone but not without updating Cyn on the messages she received so she would be in the loop.

Honey didn't say anything else after that.

Honey cupped her face in her palms, blowing out a breath as they waited for her father to pick them up. It had only been 10 minutes, but Honey was ready to get inside her bed and never see the light of day. Under normal circumstances, she wouldn't be bothered. However, she was nervous being out so late with only Cyn by her side in an unfamiliar part of town. She had bad feeling brewing in the pit of her gut. I really want to get the hell out of here. Knowing my dad, he's going to take forever. Maybe I should explain to him our situation? That'll definitely make him come on.

As that thought crossed her mind, a set of high beams shone in the distance. She released a sigh of relief, dusting herself off and standing to her feet. For the first time in history, my father is on time. She began to take a step, her eyes still on the outline of the car.

Then, she froze.

The car was a tinted Camaro.

The only problem with that was that her dad owned a white Range Rover.

The only problem with that was that her dad owned a white Range Rover

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