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Time flew by fast, before Honey knew it November was here

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Time flew by fast, before Honey knew it November was here. Today was Thanksgiving Day. It was 9am and Honey had barely packed anything even though they were leaving in a few hours. She always waited till the last minute. It wasn't intentional she just hated packing.

It was a tradition to spend the holidays at her maternal grandmother's house in Savannah Georgia. All of her family was going to be there which is considered a good and bad thing. There are a few cousins, uncles and aunts that Honey was dying to see. However, there are other family members that Honey could go without seeing for the rest of her life.

Honey sat cross legged in her walk in closet, clothes were scattered everywhere and her empty luggage was wide open. Basically, it looked like a tornado hit her closet.

"I hope you have fun over there like you do every year." Cyn laughed through the phone receiver. Honey had her bestie on speakerphone while she gathered her clothes. Whenever she's at her grandmother's house she tend to get so preoccupied with family it's impossible to give her attention to someone else.

Honey groaned, "I don't know why you're tryna be funny. You're so lucky to spend thanksgiving with your immediate family," She folded up a few pjs and sleep garments. She needs to start looking for more appropriate outfits. If it was one thing her mom's side of the family hated was "grown" outfits. She wasn't trying to hear their mouth. Her parents were lenient with Honey showing a lil leg or stomach since she was eighteen, but not her mother's side of the family. Honestly, Honey felt like it had to do their traditional upbringing. Showing a shoulder or an ankle isn't a big deal.

"Sometimes it gets so boring though. It's always just me, my mom and my younger brother. I would like to hang out with my extended family too," Cyn sighed heavily, and Honey felt bad for her. Ever since her father passed away in a car accident a few years ago. It seemed like it drove a wedge in between them. Her mom doesn't deal with anyone outside of immediate family and besides Honey's family on a good day. It must be so lonely to be disconnected from family no matter how annoying they can be.

"It's been three years..Have you talked to your mom about that?" Honey asked hesitantly. She knew Cyn didn't like to talk about her mom often. Their relationship was so strained. It hurt Cyn that they've grew so far apart. Honey wouldn't know what to do if that happened to her. She couldn't imagine a world without her mom being by her side.

"Yes of course I did. She's not bulging at all. Why does she have to be so stubborn? This is why I'm counting down the days until I go to college. I'm ready to get the fuck! ASAP!" Cyn joked, a loud laugh could be heard through the receiver. She's always deflecting..but what else could Honey expect from her? She hated talking about her mom.

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