Day Two- On The Line

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Prompts: Bloody Mouth and Drowning
Character Focus: Imaian and Elatun (New/Characters I haven't shown!)
Character Universes/Books: HiddenVerse/"The Things We Hide" (Same Thing, just has two titles)
Warnings: Drowning, Blood, Death Mention, Forceful Amputation
Additional 'Warning': These are Homestuck OCs, Though they are in a different universe from the cast so you don't have to know that them at all, but there are souls cultural differences as they are Trolls, not humans. Most a tried to address/make sense of subtly so hopefully it won't be too confusing. Only thing I might not have mentioned is that Blood Color is very important. Anyways, hopefully it's still enjoyable and if you have questions, feel free to ask!
Third Person
Blood overflows his mouth and he wants to cry out in objection or as for mercy or something, something, SOMETHING, but he can't speak and her cold, dead eyes peer right into his soul until-

Imaian Nangin likes to think of himself as a rational person and despite the fact that he fully knows it's a dream upon waking up, it doesn't calm him down. In fact, the reality is, he feels worse.

It doesn't matter that it's not real to him, it's the fact that it could be that scares him out of his wits. He's never liked the 'What If' questions. They've always made him more paranoid than he should be.

He finds himself at his washroom's door and starts to fling water in his face. An old habit from when he was sweeps younger that used to help with nightmares.

He looks up at the mirror, staring right into his own dark eyes. A tired and terrified face stares back. He's never liked the answers he gets when he looks in the mirror to see how he's doing. It only reminds him of failures and sorrow.

His black hair that he usually likes to keep straightened and down to his shoulders is now everywhere. A part of him wants to fix it, to look decent, but another doesn't care. There's no one to see but his guardian, and he doesn't usually judge him anyways.

As if he knew he was being thought of, Imaian hears soft clicking of hooves approach the washroom door before hearing a soft 'Thunk' as if asking for his presence. Imaian rubs his eyes, trying to mask the sleep in them and opens it. His lusus stands on the other side, giving a concerned look.

Despite his frightening appearance, as his lusus is a large, goat like creature with bat wings and most just consider some form of chimera, he's found that his lusus has always been much softer in personality. Always checking up on him, only fighting if it's required, usually just oddly shy. Imaian has never minded it.

"I'm okay." Imaian tells his guardian. His words feel stale on his tongue, he's been saying it a lot recently. His increased stress has been influencing his nightmares. Not like he wants to worry his guardian. "Only a nightmare, no real harm."

His lusus is skeptical at that but doesn't argue. He rarely does. Instead, he simply gives a nod of the head and trots out. Imaian can tell it's relucent and that he wants to say more, but he doesn't.

Imaian isn't sure if he's grateful for that, or feeling a bit down that he's got no one to talk to until the morning.

It takes him longer than expected to leave his washroom. It's still dark outside, though he isn't sure how late it is until he boots up his laptop and sees almost no one is online.

Almost. He's surprised to see there is one of his good friends on. It could be that she left her computer on and her application running, but knowing her, Imaian doubts it.

He hesitates before clicking on her tag and typing a message.
ellipticalCompere (EC) started trolling lecturingScribe (LS).

EC: ? I$ +#€r€ @n¥ p@r+icul@r r€@$on ¥ou'r€ $+ill @w@k€? ?
(Translation: Is there any particular reason you're still awake?)

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