Day Five- Some Adjustment Issues

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Prompts: Gashes and Fog
Character Focus: ????̝̫̃͝?̧̫́̓̏?̙̠̬̻̇͂̀̀?͆

Let me t̻̽ẻl͔̉l̺̽̈́ ̚y͓̲̝̔̉͝o̮͚̫̊ù̪͒ ̈́̐́̚ȧ̲͕̩̘ ̲̲͇̗̻̻̞̂̍́́͗s̭̤͎̮̟̘͌̃̒ţ̖̘͔̘o̡͕̬͎̦͕͎̐̓͟ŗ̧̢͚̟̣̥̖͑̈̈͒͡͡y̨̥̥̗̳͖͋̎̌̌͡.

A story of new̚ ͌b̾͜ĕ̥g͈iň̟n̺̍́i̘̘͌̅n̐̽͠g̓̈ş ͇̖͖̈́͆a̠̬̱̝n͛̇̉̓ḏ̠͓̽͟ ̪̬̀̿c̮̖̃͗̈ở̳̂̋m̹̦̖̿̅͆p̺͕̞l͙̪͇̓̒͌̍̀̈́͌i̗͂͐c̔͌̈́͘͠͝a͈͔̭̫͎̝͎̤͂̍̔̏ͅt̨̞͎͙̘̞͝i̢̳̼͓̹̜̦͙̝o͎̅͐̄̃́̚͝n̡̻͇͚̗̭̭̒̉͑s̡̡͊̎̓̂̑̕ͅ
Third Person
Ocean gets interrupted on the most important day of the year. Luckily it's for good reason.

She lets out a frustrated sigh as she hears the frantic knock on her door. She drops the pen on the report she's signing and runs a hand through her strawberry orange hair. Ocean has no idea why Fate themselves seems to throw inconveniences at her at the worst times, but then again, Fate has always been... Fickle with her.

"Enter." Ocean says sharply. Her body relaxes when she sees who entered but she still remains onguard. Her hands lay on the desk, intertwined with each other, and she keeps a steady gaze. "Pacific, do you realize what day it is?"

Pacific blinks for a moment. Ocean always found her eyes to be the most entrancing: Lavender irises and dark purple sclera. If Ocean didn't know better, she'd think she was a demon. She did when she first met her, but then she was soon corrected. Pacific was simply a witch.

The rest of her appearance was no less strange. She had tanned skin, which was the only normal part about her, and navy blue hair with lighter blue undertones. She had tattoos of eyes on the backs of her hands and wore classic witch robes and hat- both of which were monochrome black and white, with designs and runes that Ocean had yet to understand.

Her body radiated magical energy.

She might've found her intimidating in some way if Ocean wasn't only abnormally tall but also had a few tricks up her sleeve that could certainly hold her own against her.

Ocean was often told she was too pessimistic to think about things like what to do if she got betrayed and what everyone's weaknesses were. Ocean didn't think so, she believed she was simply being prepared. And realistic.

The world was unforgiving. Ocean had to be ready for anything.

"Oh, is today that day?" Pacific said after a moment.

"Yes." Ocean huffed. "As you know, we're funded by the government. Every year, I need to justify why we get as much money as we do. Without it," she gestured to around her. "None of this would be possible. Our research teams and agents wouldn't be able to get paid and the entirety of The Abyss would surely crumble in a matter of days."

Ocean leaned forward, eyes narrowing. "So, pray tell, what's so important that you need to interrupt me?"

Pacific wasn't too phased by her hostility. It was one of the reasons Ocean had promoted her. It was rather annoying when others couldn't stand their ground. "We got a level nine distress call. From Team Myth."

Ocean was silent. Steadily, she stood up and grabbed the dark blue jacket from her chair and slung it over her shoulder. She strode towards the door, signaling Pacific to follow her. "I want a full status report. Now."

"Megalodon was the first one found. Nessie and him are the only ones standing but both have taken some pretty heavy injuries. Kappa, Leviathan, and Hydra were all unaccounted for while I was there but assumed alive. They are being searched for as we speak."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2019 ⏰

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