p r i d e | ii.

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 His eyes were still closed but he could feel that something was horribly wrong. He could not feel the warmth of his silky sheets, en contraire , he felt coldness like thousand iced knives piercing through his skin. His eyelids were heavy and no matter how much he tried to open them something in his mind was telling him "no, no, no"

He tried to move his limbs but that also felt impossible. After few seconds he managed to open his eyes and he so wish he didn't.

Instead of his sunny, warm room he was met with what seemed like eternal darkness. It seemed like he was somewhere in the open , like a meadow but all the grass, flowers , trees were gone, seemed like burned. As if all the happiness in this world disappeared.

He tried to move again but he couldn't move a single limb. His head shot up, seeing his hands tied to chains on a large wheel that seemed it was for some kind of torture and same went for his legs.

Am I dreaming? This can't be real...

"Prideful people--those guilty of committing the deadly sin of pride--are said to be punished in hell by being "broken on the wheel."

He tried his hardest to get out of the shacks , was kicking, giving all of his mighty power to try and get out but no matter how hard he tried his body seemed to be glued to this torture device. Million thoughts went through his head, mostly thoughts of him, his life, everything shot in front of his eyes.

"No..No Seokjin, you're better than this. This is not true. You know it.." he repeated to himself, panting and trying to gather all his strength to try and get out of the chains and off of it. "You're too good for this. You are stronger than this..."

But no matter how much he tried he couldn't get himself out of those darn chains, he couldn't move. His head fell down, now pounding from all of his efforts to try and break out. Then something even worse started.. the wheel started moving , hands and legs going in opposite directions, bound to break at one point.

At this point he started going over his whole life, tears forming in his eyes. Namjoon.. where is Namjoon? His life.. he was made to be sinful, he is the sin. But Namjoon was the only bright and ''good part'' about this life he was made to serve and he could not believe that this is happening to him now. Why? How? Who? 

His limbs started to ache horribly, with every breath he felt like his end is closer, closer...now.

Then everything turned black again.

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