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He made a promise to her even though he knew it would never be fulfilled. Only a sane being can accomplish what he cannot. Why does fate detest me, for what reason do I deserve this treatment, why her? The thoughts intruded his mind. He was the reason for their freedom. If it weren't for him they would still be imprisoned and treated like lab rates to those bloody humans. Yet, they had the audacity to exile him; their saviour. His face morphed into an expression of anger and hatred, the aging lines deepening with every contorting twitch.

Shrills coursed through his body at the mere thought of eliminating those who had defied him. Plunging dangers into their ripe flesh, the satisfaction of their piercing screams. The silver gleaming in the moonlight, a vibrant crimson substance coating the dagger as the blood runs down the tip, leaving a trail behind. A sinister smile replacing his solemn grimace.

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