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Hallo Guys! Sorry that a new chapter hasn't been out yet, school started and finding good ideas is becoming stressful, since exams are beginning this term ( I don't have semesters, unlike some of my readers in America ) And the kids at my school act like complete and utter idiots!! I swear Imma end up killing someone! I NEED TO THINK OF GOD DAMN FUCKING IDEAS!! AGJHCABVJAGDFHJACJGKADJHACGXACHGCXFU-

[ Reader-Chan has stopped working_

[ Reboot?_ ]

[ Yes_ ] [ Yes, we need the writer_ ]

Okay, Okay, I'm back everyone! Sorry, got a little out of hand, haha! I'm not funny ;w;

But in all honesty, I'll try to post a chapter or two this weekend, but right now, I'm gonna struggle -3-

But, I'm planning on making a Countryhumans Zodiac Book, and imma try and add my own twist onto it. but what I'm gonna do is, every second day, I'm gonna write a chapter for the Zodiac book, and then write a chapter for the main book. Does that sound good to you guys?? I hope it does ^3^

And, I hope I didn't worry anybody by not posting a chapter, most of my friends decided to ditch me completely and I've been in such a sad mood, I honestly feel like crying my fucking eyes out and locking my door, ignoring society and talking and RolePlaying with my one and only trustworthy friend I know in real life, but if you guys are having a rough time, just tell me, I'll be here to comfort you! I'm always happy to help someone in need!

Also, I'm so happy you guys like my decent writing, because, Wow... 1.3k reads...I want to cry with happiness! Thank you all so much... It means a lot to me, really, it does..!

But, that's about it for now, hope everything goes alright for all of my readers! Have A Good One!

-Jamie <3

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