I should tease first then propose

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HEY! Let's just get back into me writing because I haven't been posting on this story... sorry about that. But in this chapter they will already be dating and there parents know too. This was requested by tyrusendgame101 so thank you:) let's get started with the story.

Me and Cyrus have been together for 2 years  now. And it's been the best 2 years of my life. I really want to propose to him but I need to find the right time to.

"Teej" I called from my place on our couch.
author side note.
They live together☆
"Coming baby" Tj started to jog down the stairs towards me on the couch. "Whassup Muffin"." Nothinggg I just wanted to see your handsome face" I said all smiley. " well thank you for the compliment cutie" he smirked afterwards. I swear it just something about that smirk that turns me on everytime. TJ can pretty much see right through me so he noticed I was all flustered. He smirked again " you wanna go cuddle Muffin?" I snapped out of whatever trance his smirk had put me " yes pwease " I said all babyish. I guess you could say I'm kinda the baby in this relationship.

•third person•
Tj walked up the stairs with Cyrus on his back. He entered there room

^ that's what it looks like

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^ that's what it looks like.

Tj set Cyrus on the bed and then went to take a shower. When he got of the shower be wrapped a towel around his waist and walked back into their room.

He was met with a very hot Cyrus and grey sweats and no shirt on playing video games. He walked over to him and hugged him from behind then kissed his neck. As he was getting up to walk away and put some clothes on Cyrus pulled down the towel that was hanging from Tj's waist.

Tj tried to catch it but it was to late and the towel hit the floor exposing Tj's member to Cyrus. "HEY" tj yelled at Cyrus. Cyrus just brushed it off of him and continued to stare at TJ's member.

He was and average size a little bigger then most boys his age. Cyrus had the bigger member in the relationship even though he was more of the baby.

Cyrus pulled down my towel letting it fall and he could see my dick. I was caught off guard so I couldn't hurry up and catch it like most times.

He just stared at it like he was thinking weither to lick it or eat it. " are you going do something or no" I said almost in a whisper moan.

He didn't verbally respond instead he physically responded and started to stroke it with his thumb. I stared to let out low groans. Cyrus knew I hate to be teased sexually that is. I was hoping he was actually going do more then what he was currently doing.

He was currently licking the tip of my member, his tongue quickly inserted in my clit and I let out I high pitched moan. I could feel Cyrus smile will still licking me.

"C..C..Cy please d..d.do. m..more" I was able to moan out. He started to deep throut my member I was hot and sweaty. But none of that even mattered right now. He started to draw small circles on my chest cause he knows that drives me insane.

" cy. Mhm I'm ab.about t..t..to cu..cum" I studered out. Then he stops" well we can't have that happening. Now can we?" He then gets up and goes to lay in the bed. " CYRUS YOU FUCKING TEASE, YOU KNOW I HATE THAT." " i know but hey you teased me last week so there you go. Night scary basketball guy" I rolled my eyes smiled and then got in bed with him.

"Night muffin I love you, you tease.
I felt sleep roll over my body and u wrapped my arms around Cyrus. I shut my eyes and start to fall asleep. Before I do I hear cyrus whisper " I should propose to you" I couldn't answer cause I was so tired. So I just smiled" go to sleep muffin" I could feel him smile and that's all I need to sleep.

Hope you guys enjoyed this one shot. Comment or dm suggestions cause I'm running out.

Xoxo. Neiya♡

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