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( 3d pov )

At first, they were mad and upset. The other workers were rude, picked on them, called them names, soon they felt like how everyone eals felt when they were the jerks, had thier casino, took other's souls. Man did it hurt this much " Lilly please do something! " evil cuphead asked " cup, I told you this before - sigh- .... their playing with you " Lilly said writing some on paper, " but it's getting old and their not stopping! even when I threaten them! " Lilly looked down at cup ( evil cuphead ) " boy, please go ask crown " crown is a card. A card with no neck but with a body ( like king dice but pink and a card head ) " he wront even do anything! "  Lilly signed again " okay, fine. anyone eals who thier being mean to? " who are they? yes, thier the other workers but thier triblets. all three boys and humans. one had brown hair, black eyes. one had black hair, brown eyes, the other had blond-brown hair and blue eyes

the first one: brown hair and black eyes: James'.

second one: black hair and brown eyes: Jarry.

Thread one: blonde-hair and blue eyes:  and Jackson\Jack. 

Lilly hired them becuase they were sneaky and knew how to trick people, but Lilly teaches them a few new things so they can trick people better. " yes! king- " " not king cup " Lilly banded anyone from calling king dice ' king ' " right sorry. dice, and the devil " " I see look thier just trying to tough you up " " Will it ain't do'n shit! " " HEY! " Lilly yelled " right sorry, it's not .... doing ... crap? " Lilly mad a rule ' cup, mug, dice, and the devil are allowed to cuss three times a day. no more, no less ' " that was your froth swear today cup! " " sorry Miss. " Lilly got up from her office chair, " ok, I'll let that pass, for today cup! " " yes Ms.Lilly " they went downstairs. 

Dice, devil, mug, and cup hate these stairs! they slip every

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Dice, devil, mug, and cup hate these stairs! they slip every.single.time!.  But everyone eals has no problem. Cup slipped he grabbed Lilly's pants " AAAAH " Lilly slipped a little but caught her self, she looked down saw cup, he's head was down, he was shacking, " oh cuppie, " Lilly picked him up " hey, hey. It's alright. I'll help you alright baby-cup " Cup saw this and got mad " H-Hey! S-shut I'm N-not a baby cup! " Lilly laughed " I know, I know. come'on now. Let handle these bullies of yours. " as they both looked around they saw the boys bulling mugs and dice " so? no longer king huh? back to peasant dice? or joker dice? " " and you. Cups brother? aren't you a little weak and or little...I don't know, too small, fragile, and a MUG? usually, people use mugs for coffee. Your so annoying that I'm not surprised your man is ' MUG' man .....also ' man? ' I see a boy. " they three brothers laughed at them. " Jarry, James, and Jake. '*tsk, tsk, tsk* they're still new. Leave them alone. " the three brothers looked at Lilly " s-sorry ma'am. We....we um...we were just messing with them " James said, the other two brothers nodded scared " yeah-yeah. W-wa-what James said! " Jake and Jarry said pointing at James. " ok, for the next week. Your cleaning every inch of the casino. " the brother's eyes winded " for the next week?! this place is soo big it'll take months! " "then get to it! " they ran get to it and from Lilly " And leave them alone. They're already tired from you guys. Don't kill them with your terrible Jokes.....not that their even jokes. " Lilly whispered under her breath. " there, if they don't stop still come find me. " 

Don't mess with Ms.Lilly Ann ( Cuphead males? x oc )Where stories live. Discover now