Tradition - Part 1

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Jabari tradition dictates that no person sitting atop the throne is truly a leader until they have successfully led the warriors through battle. Until that trial is complete, they are also barred from producing an heir.

Tonight, M'Baku, the youngest to ever ascend the throne, earned his right to both.

The warriors' return was signaled first by the bellow of a horn, followed by ceremonial drums. The message rang out through Jabari Land, and the people clamored out of their homes to welcome back their victors.

The drums had your heart racing. Soon you could not tell the difference between the rhythmic beating outside and the blood pounding in your ears. You sat quietly in your dressing room, suppressing your nerves as your attendants finished braiding your hair.

Your fingers traced lightly over the intricately carved wooden box you would present to your husband during tonight's feast. It was a gift you had planned to give him ever since he left for battle. You had prayed over it every night, asking Hanuman to bring him back home to you.

Your prayers had been answered, and it was time to hold up your end of the bargain.

The drums had stopped and the warriors tucked in to a victors' feast in the palace hall. You stood, taking one last look at your flowing cotton skirt and wooden beaded top before descending to the celebration.

The raucous hall fell silent as you pushed through the giant doors. The smoky heat of the fireplace combined with the sweat of exhausted men hit you hard. Warriors dropped to their knees, their heads bowing as you passed. You paid them no mind. Your eyes were trained on M'Baku.

He was a mighty man. The throne could barely contain him. He sat bare chested, adorned with war paint and a few new scars that were barely healed. His legs were spread and his chest puffed out in pride. He clapped his hands and opened his arms to you as you approached.

"My love!" he grinned. He gestured for you to sit with him and eat, but you declined. Instead, you handed him the intricately carved box.

"A gift," you said simply. "To celebrate your victory."

M'Baku took the offering from you, smiling as he inspected it. He opened the lid and his expression instantly changed.

Inside laid the implant you'd dug out of your arm when he went off to war. The device that you had been required to have until he fulfilled his duties to his tribe. The device that stopped you from falling pregnant.

Now was the time.

M'Baku's eyes widened and his nostrils flared. He looked up at you intently, a fire burning behind his eyes. You matched his gaze and for a moment, it felt as though it were only the two of you in the room.

"Leave us," M'Baku ordered. His voice boomed across the hall. The warriors stood to leave, but halted when you calmly raised your hand.

"No. They stay," you stated. "Jabari tradition demands witness to the creation of the new heir."

M'Baku stood suddenly, towering over you. He snaked his arm around your lower back and brought his lips to your ear. His voice was husky and deep, drunk with lust but ever concerned.

"Are you sure, my love?" he whispered. "We can forego tradition..."

You elect not to answer, instead sliding your hand into his pants and firmly grasping his rock hard dick. You stroked it underneath the fabric, watching M'Baku's jaw flex.

"Today!" your voice rang out. "Today, begins a new era of Jabari might!"

You hooked your fingers in the hem of M'Baku's pants and pulled down. His massive length sprang forth, another soldier ready at attention.

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