While We Wait

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The Saiyan trio had turned tail and run off to the past timeline. They had come with such confidence, only to get utterly beat down by Black and Zamasu. They hadn't anticipated that Black would have his own super Saiyan form, Super Saiyan Rosé. That form was significantly more beautiful and refined than the forms they were using. How did they expect to beat a god? Of course they were only more surprised when Zamasu appeared alongside him. Still, it was irritating that they'd run off before they could be defeated. They would certainly return to try again, but how long before they did?

"It's annoying." Black punched a fist into his open hand, his pink hair falling back to black as he dropped his super Saiyan form. There was no sense in expending all of that energy when there was no one around worth fighting. He didn't need such a beautiful and powerful form to kill the humans. Humans were weak and pathetic. There were so few of them left, and yet those Saiyans were determined to save them. Why? What was the purpose?

"Yes, it is." Zamasu sighed softly and shook his head, turning his attention down below them. The time machine had taken off from below. Were the other humans down there as well? "What shall we do while we wait for them to come back? We could always hunt down the remaining humans, but. . ."

"But it's no fun if the Saiyans aren't here to see us do it." Black finished his sentence for him, turning to smirk at his future self as the Kai returned the same expression. They had killed so many mortals already. Sure, they could easily wipe out the remainder, but it would be so much more fun and interesting to see the absolute agony and despair on the face of Trunks and the others. "That woman . . . I want to kill her in front of Trunks. He deserves no less than that."

"That would be wonderful." Zamasu nodded to his other self, "Then let us go back to the cabin while we wait. I can put on some tea."

- - -

Black drummed his fingers on the top of the table. He was seated out on the deck at their cabin, his black eyes wandering over the natural expanse around them, though he wasn't really looking at any of it. His mind was replaying his battles over and over again. The power of Saiyans was something truly miraculous. Was there really no limit to their growth? How quickly could a Saiyan power up? Would those three Saiyans come back strong enough to defeat them? Though it wasn't like him to doubt himself, he couldn't help but wonder.

Zamasu emerged from the cabin with the kettle and two cups in tow. He tilted his head a bit when he saw Black staring into space, but said nothing about it. Just as he often did himself, Black was likely thinking of what to do next. They were incredibly close to finally completing their Zero Mortals plan, so they had to make sure they calculated every move they made. The Saiyans were an unexpected turn of events, but they saw firsthand that the Saiyans were no match for Black's newfound power.

The Kai placed the cups on the table; one in front of Black, one across from him for himself. As he poured the tea, his eyes flicked up once more to his other self. Black still didn't even seem to notice he was there. Was he really so deep in thought? It was mildly concerning. "What are you thinking about that has you so transfixed?" He set the kettle down on the table before taking the seat across from the other god.

Black jerked a bit in his seat before sitting up properly and reaching out for his cup. When had Zamasu come back out? And he'd already poured the tea. . . "I was running through that fight in my head again. Thinking about how they fought and the strength of the Saiyan race. These bodies are really something. A body that comes back stronger whenever it is defeated. . . that's a truly perfect form for a warrior race." He sipped at the tea and placed it back on the table, staring at his own reflection in the liquid. He had that perfect body now. He had been able to obtain such a great power, and yet. . .

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