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I sat at the edge of my bed staring at my phone. The possibilities of me getting caught and going to jail ran through my mind almost everyday, but after losing my job I turned to the only thing I had left other then my family.

It'd be humiliating for me to show up asking for money, I vowed never to see or speak to them again for the things they hid from me.

I groaned and ran a hand through my hair for the millionth time tonight.

I've read over this message about a thousand times and I'm still debating on wether or not to go through with this deal.

How did my life come to this ?

That's the one big question I always ask myself. I don't answer it because I know I'd be miserable with the answer.

My phone dinged with another notification, a message from the same person I went to after losing my job. Tanner.

I don't know if it was a mistake calling him and asking if his boss can put me in his drug dealing, I've made some money out of it but I've almost got caught so many times.

'Tanner : Old cafe, 15 minutes. $200'

I'd be receiving 200 dollars just for selling drugs to some of the most richest people. I'm honestly shocked every time I'm out dealing, most of these men are all well known in the media, yet paparazzi and fans have no clue they do drugs.

I sighed before typing away onto my phone.

After sending tanner a quick text I got out of my jeans and shirt and laid on my bed. I need to wash my clothes, I have no more clean ones.

I might have a few dollars left from the last deal, I can use that to wash down at the laundry room.

I sighed again and stared at the ceiling, I remember the day I held my diploma in front of everyone with a cocky grin thinking I was going to be the best damn policeman there ever was. Look at me now, living in a filthy old apartment that creaks with every step you take, I lost my job as a bartender a few weeks ago, I called up my old friend tanner to let me in on some deals, now I'm making money off of dealing.

Is there a happy ending to my story?

I wish someone could just spoil it for me, I wouldn't mind if someone just told me if I was or wasn't gonna have a happy ending.

I don't know when I knocked out but when I woke up it was six a.m and someone was repeatedly knocking at my door.

"What!" I snapped.

The knocks continued.

Who the hell is knocking at my door on a Sunday morning at six freaking a.m.

Who the hell wakes up at this time?!

I clenched my jaw and slipped on some basketball shorts I saw on the floor I stomped towards the door.

"OKLAHOMA PD OPEN UP" I heard the second my hand reached for the doorknob.

I froze.

What's the police doing here?

"I just have some questions your not in trouble" I heard.


I swallowed down the fear and unlocked the door. "Good morning officer" I croaked.

"Morning, did you happen to hear any strange noises around 4 a.m ?" He asked with a notepad and pen in hand.


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