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How is this even possible?

I don't understand..

She left for good after high school.

I thought I'd never see her again.

I was at a loss for words. As I stared into her brown eyes I realized the hatred was still evident in them.

"What a not so lovely surprise, to be called up from my office about a murder committed by the person I least expected it to be." She sighed shaking her head.

The cop just stood back watching the scene unfold.

I don't think I'll be getting out of this situation so easily. I have an FBI agent looking into my life and it happens to be the girl I bullied in high school. She almost took her life because of me hell- she almost took mine!

"I-I.." I stammered for the right words.

"Cats got your tongue?" She spat.

I shook my head and finally came to my senses. "Roxanne, I didn't do this. You have to believe me" I begged.

Her eyes lingered on me for a while before she looked away. "I'll have to look more into his file, I'm going to see the security camera footage from last night at his apartment complex. He stays in the holding cell for now" she told the cop before walking away with her heels clicking.

Once both people were out of sight i let my mouth hang open. What the actual fuck just happened?


                 Officer Mike once again stared into my cell with a smirk. He was the officer that put me in handcuffs the other day, he's been looking really cocky lately. He probably thinks what a great officer he was, catching the 'bad guy.' Little does he know what ever happened that day- the real murderer is still out there. free.

"What? Still doubting if I'm innocent or not?" I spat.

He chuckled at me. An evil chuckle that told my guts that I was going to be seeing his face for a while. "I don't have doubts son. I know it was you. You don't have to put up the innocent act anymore." He said, anger laced in each word. His dark hair was gelled to perfection, his shoes squeaky clean, and his watch looking as expensive as Kim Kardashian's life.

He's the one that puts up the act, trying to look all rich and shit. When in reality he wasn't.

I let out an airy laugh. This mans life was a joke just like how mine is useless nowadays. I leaned my head back against the cement wall and let my smile take over my frown.

I didn't glance over to know who was coming, by the sound of her heels clicking, the strong aura around her everywhere she walked, the even breaths she took, I knew who was coming. And she most likely hated my guts right now- I wouldn't be surprised if she puts a bullet in between my eyes and covers it as me trying to kill her.

"What's so funny?" She questioned the officer while staring at me.

I stared at her my smile not falling.

"He thinks he's a jokester, he probably doesn't even know bloody murderers like him get life in prison" officer Mike said. His voice was stronger, tougher, meaner. My smile widened, he was trying to impress her. With what? Showing her his inflated ego. I'm sure by the end of all of this mess he'll be kissing his badge goodbye.

"Now now Officer Mike, name calling isn't apart of the job- plus this little fella has a lot on his plate already let's not put anymore." Her voice was mocking yet soft and trusting. How the hell- wait did she just call me-

"I'm not little." I said through gritted teeth.

Her eyes found mine again and I had to force myself to maintain eye contact with this women. "Sure you are, that's why I'm standing outside of the cage.. And you.. well honey- your sitting inside of it." She talked to me like if I were a child. Her lips in a pout and her eyes softened.

All my anger crashed to the surface in large waves, I wanted so badly to grab her hair and smash her face against the bars of this freaking cell. My knuckles tingled just thinking of it- shit. I didn't take my medication the morning when I got arrested. No wonder all my thoughts have been so graphic lately.

I glared at the women who will soon put me through hell with all this shit.

"I think you hurt his feeling Agent Diaz" Officer Mike chuckled and placed a hand on her shoulder.

Roxanne Diaz. I never knew her last name in high school..

"I don't think he has any. Not after what he did to that innocent girl." She said. Hate dripping off of each word. And they where all directed to me, There was a double meaning to her words and she made it very clear to me that she still in fact hated me.

"I said I didn't do it." My jaw was hurting from how hard I was clenching my jaw.

They ignored me and walked away, leaving through another door.

I groaned out loud and let the back of my head bang against the cement wall behind me, I'm sick of this already. How the fuck did they even find the same murder weapon that was used to kill the girl in my room if I had absolutely nothing to do with it. Hell- I didn't even know a girl lived a few doors down from me!

My life has been uneventful lately.

I closed my eyes and let out a long sigh. Every memory of me hurting Roxi in high school suddenly came crashing into my head that by the end of it all.. I hated myself more then I already do. I regret even laying a hand on her, I took out my anger on her- I was young and reckless with a tough life and then I saw her sitting alone in the cafeteria one day and I thought she was perfect. No one knew her, no one talked to her, I don't think anyone knew of her existence, and there I was- with a fucked up life going to fuck up another innocent girls life just because I was angry and had to take it out on something. How stupid I was, to think she wouldn't ever get back at me.

And then to add on to that, I had that stupid girl stuck by my side. She hurt Roxi to, I know she did because I told her to. She thought it would make her 'cool' And I knew about the pills she gave her to lose weight even though Roxi was already skin and bone. The girl that hurt Roxi called herself my girlfriend but at that time I didn't even know what a girlfriend was. The bum was clueless- I slept with most of the girls in my graduating class.

"Tristan.." my eyes shot open and immediately I looked around the small squared room with the small hall. What the actual fu- there's no one in here..

I need my medication I think I'm going crazy.

I squeezed my eyes shut tight and gripped my hair. What the hell do I do, I'm hearing things now.

"Tristan, we are going to be releasing you very soon. The gun came back with different fingerprints, we believe you where being framed."

My head snapped to the little speaker on the wall.

They're going to release me?

Ha! They're all fools. To think that I killed a girl. I may do drug deals but I will never kill anyone. That's just another level of crazy.

"We are going to be questioning you though. So you're not all that released yet. Sit tight."

"Questioned on what exactly?" I called out to know one in particular.

"We are going to ask you a series of questions, and maybe if you answer truthfully we might just know who framed you" I didn't expect anyone to answer but the tired sigh the unrecognizable women let out at the beginning told me she was getting annoyed with me already, or she's just tired.

Suddenly a thought hit me...

Who could have possibly framed me?

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