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I sit up, rubbing my arm a little. On my way down I must've landed hard on my elbow because it's already killing me. I look up to see a tall boy standing in front of me. "Oh my gosh, are you okay?" He says, stuttering a little. I wave him off and nod. "Yea... Yea I'm fine." I say with a small laugh. I stand my tank up and lean against it, helping myself up. "Sorry..." He says slowly. I smile and stable myself. I look up at him. I didn't get a good look at him at first, but now I see his eyes. They have a blue, crystalline-like pattern inside. I admire, no, envy his eyes. Mine look like boring pools of water or a cloudless sky. "It's fine," I say, smiling and straightening out my tubes. The boy sticks his hand out his hand towards me with a bright smile, exposing a gap in his teeth. "Daniel Seavey." He says cheerfully. I take his hand and shake it. "Lyra May," I say. He smiles at my name as we pull our hands away. "Lyra? Like the constellation?" He says. I nod and smile that he knows. 
"Yea," I say, letting out a small laugh. "How did you know?" I say. Not many people know the constellation, they just think my parents misspelt Lia. Daniel lets out a breathy laugh. "One of my best friends are really into space." He says. I nod and give a kind of half-smile. I look to his side and see a big guitar case. "What's that for?" I ask, motioning to the case. Daniel looks down, then smiles at me. "Playing." He says, trying to hold back a cheeky grin. I roll my eyes and smile. "No shit," I say, giggling a little. "I mean, why did you bring it here? You're not sick are you?" I ask, looking him up and down. His skin was full of colour, his hair was thick, he could walk without taking a minute to breathe, he didn't look like the walking to-be-dead. Daniel shook his head. "No, I don't have-" He looks at me, then to my Oxygen tank, then back at me and I raise an eyebrow. "I'm not sick." He says. I furrow my eyebrows and shake my head a little. Why would he be at Lychen if he wasn't sick? We carry CFers and Cancer patients, so what business did he have here? "Why are you here then?" I say with a small giggle. Daniel holds up his guitar up and smiles widley, he must really like to smile. "I like to come here and play music for the kids." He says. Thats really honerable. "That's so sweet," I say. We sometimes get clowns or magicians, but not very often. The magicians are kinda cliche but the clowns are pretty funny, there was one who got Angi to believe she had hypnotised him, that was by far the happiest I had ever seen her. "I actually have to go into the childrens room now, but you could come listen if you want?" He asks. I pull a sharp breath through my teeth. I didn't want to be here any longer that I needed to. "I actually have to go..." I say, pointing a little to the door. Daniel nods and starts walking past me. I quickly turn around on the balls of my heels. "But, uh, there's this program thing thats on every Friday, I just came back from there. They love guests, you could come and play there?" I asked, hopefully. He seemed really nice, it would be nice to have a friend that's not 6. Daniel nods and a smile slowly grows on his face. "I'll see you there." He says, waving. I wave back and turn around, walking through the doors. 


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Word Count - 643


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2019 ⏰

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