Behind the scenes

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Draft 1, now also published in a separate book.

"My date of expiration has reached." Clow looked outside his window, watching as snow danced through the sky, paining a beautiful yet bleak picture on the horizon.

"Explain to me Clow. What does this mean?" looking up towards the source of the voice, Clow was greeted with the sight of a man with hair as white as the snow outside.

Seeing his gigantic white wings, the old magician couldn't help but think of how he looked like a guardian angel, ready to take him away to the afterlife.

"It means just like how I said it, Yue. I will leave this world today." Clow said as calmly as he could, smiling while he did so.

"That's a joke I really can't laugh at." The furry beast standing beside yue spoke up, the red jewel on his head reflecting a bit of the light from outside, making it shine slightly.

"Unfortunately, it's not a joke." Clow spoke up once more, causing Yue's face to be filled with despair.

"Why?" He immediately asks, a whirlwind of savage emotions seeming to take place within the being.

"My lifespan is over." The magician replied calmly.


The magician continued smiling as the two creatures started spewing out an exaggerated thousand and one reasons on how they didn't believe his words.

"Even then, an end comes equally to any living thing." Clow tried reasoning with the two creatures. "That is why I must prepare for it."

"Prepare for what?"

"Preparations for the person that will cherish you after I pass away."

Yue looked up at Clow as soon as he heard his answer.

"I don't want another master." He said, slightly coldly.

"Then you should decide... wether or not that person is suited for being the master."

"Nobody is suited for it!" The angel-like person snapped, grief evident in his voice at the thought of losing his master.

Completely unaffected by what Yue had just said, Clow carried on with his speech. "I guess it's unfair for just Yue to decide. I will have Kerberos decide on who the candidate should be."

"Are you serious? The yellow beast asked, slightly unsure of his master's decisions.

Clow only smiled.

Yue, Kerberos, and the Clow Cards are beings that I have created with all of my power and heart.

That is why.

I want them to spend their time happily under a new master after I pass away.

That is my last wish.

Yue, Kerberos, and the Clow Cards are beings that I have created with all of my power and heart.

That is why.

I want them to spend their time happily under a new master after I pass away.

That is my last wish.

A Wish? What wish?

I blinked open my eyes slowly, grabbing by glasses from the small table behind me and putting them on. A few seconds later, I slowly started to make out the blurry blobs of colors around me.

Blinking my eyes a few more times, the sight of my surroundings sharpened, allowing me to see where I was.

As usual, the old grandfather's clock stood at a corner of the room, it's pendant swinging slowly from side to side. On another wall of the room was a study table and it's chair. An old fashioned lamp sat quietly at the side of the table. Beside the lamp was a pile of drawings. On them laid a pencil, one that seemed to be dangerously near the edge of the table, threatening to fall down at any given second.

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