Chapter One

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A week after the coronation and the crown still felt heavy, as it would always be. It was a reminder of who I was now, the lives that rested on my shoulders, lives I would not let down.

My boots made no sound on the castle floor as I made my way to the courtyard. I walked silent and elegant, the walk of a queen, a powerful one. I reached the gates to the courtyard, two guards posted on either side. Normally these gates were open, but territorial Rhoe and dad had decided it was best to increase protect the first few weeks after the coronation. I had agreed, as much as I hated being locked up, locking my people away, but it was best for the kingdom. After all, a kingdom was at its weakest when the ruler was away, or in this chase, transitioning.

The guards faces turned brighter and their postures became straighter at the sight of me. I was in charge now, they wanted to make a good impression.

I smiled slightly. It was important to put up a powerful front while the kingdom got used to me, but the people of any kingdom needed to be shown love. I nodded my head, and they opened up the gate.

I spotted mom first. Her golden hair practically glowing in the morning sun. She was talking with dad, his silver hair also gleaming. Smiling at the sight of them, I walked up to the pair. They both turned at the sound of my boots and scanned me. I knew they weren't checking my appearance, they didn't care what we wore, most of the time. If dad deemed what my sisters or I was wearing was too scandalous, we would get glares. We get a whole speech if it weren't for mom. Besides, I preferred a nice shirt and trousers.

Dad broke the silence, "how are you holding up?" There was the question, the reason they were scanning me.

I looked up into his pine green eyes, "The crown's heavy, but I'll try to live up to it."

Mom huffed a laugh, "I think the kingsbloom everywhere is enough evidence that you will." I laughed.

Mom's ashryver eyes, the mirror to my own, softened, "We can stay you know."

I let out a quiet breath, "I know Mama, but you deserve a break. I've got this."

"Besides she's got backup." I turned to find Rhoe walking up behind me, a smile on his face.

Mom rolled her eyes, "I am well aware of that Rhoe, but I few extra hands never hurt."

I cut in, "but they're not necessary."

Mom faced dad, "They never let us win do they?"

Smile bright, he pulled her to his side and kissed her on the head, "Never fireheart."

She huffed and everyone laughed.

"I'm gonna miss you guys," I said.

Dad smiled sadly, "we'll miss you too Lu."

Mom's eyes were brimming with tears, "We already said bye to your siblings so we should get going." I nodded. Mom wrapped me in a big hug as dad hugged Rhoe.

"I love you Evalin," mom whispered in my ear, "You ever need me? Call, and I'll be there." My eyes filled with tears. Mom knew what I was going through, she had gone through the same thing but at age 20, queen to a kingdom ashes, now a kingdom of wildfire. I could never be more thankful for her.

I tucked my head into her shoulder, "I know mama."

After a few minutes mom took Rhoe aside in a hug while dad held me in one of his own. Mom whispered to Rhoe in the background as dad and I held each other in comfortable silence. Once mom stopped whispering dad gave me an extra squeeze then pulled away.

He tucked a stray piece of chocolate brown hair behind my ear, "I love you Lu."

His eyes shifted to the crown, "And if that ever gets too heavy," his eyes shifted back to mine, "come get me."

I smiled, "Ok daddy."

Mom let out a large sigh and we all turned to her. She whipped away one of her stray tears, "time to get going before I flood the palace." Dad bark a laugh, grabbed their stuff, and took her hand. Mom's mouth was wobbling now, "Bye sweethearts, if any of you guys need us we'll come back. Don't hesitate to call."

Rhoe and I nodded, close to crying as well. Mom and dad turned away walking out of the gates of Terrasen. "Bye guys!" Rhoe and I both shouted, waving as they left. We stayed there until we couldn't see them anymore. I hugged Rhoe tightly eyes watery and he did the same. Both of us giving comfort to the other.

I sighed and look up to his pine eyes. He looked so much like dad, the same green eyes and silver hair. "I'm gonna miss them," I whispered. There was no need to be strong around Rhoe, he was there for me no matter what. Rhoe and dad were the only people I didn't put on a strong front on for.

"I know Lu," he responded, using his and dad's nickname for me, "We all will. But they need a break from the castle. From the responsibilities they hold."

"I know, they deserve it too, but I'll still miss them."

"I know Lu, I will too."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2019 ⏰

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