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I sat in the police office, the man who raped me sat opposite me. The police were watching over the double sided mirror, along with my Mom, Dad and Justin and Mat. He looked up from his cuffs. His blue eyes piercing mine, cold, and hated.

"Why did you do it?" I whispered. The table separating us, that once felt like an ocean, now feeling like a tiny puddle.

"I.. My mum,she raped me as a child." His voice broke. Tears welling up in his eyes. "I never wanted to hurt you. I was drunk, and I was lonely."

"I understand how you feel." I whispered. "Feeling lonely. No-one should ever feel like that." I stood up from my chair and sat on the floor beside him. "How old are you?"

"I'm eighteen." He cried quietly. I hugged him softly, standing him up.

"What's your name?"

"My name is Oliver."

"Let's try this again. Its nice to meet you Oliver."

"Its nice to meet you too..."


"Its nice to meet you too Maddy."

"I'm going to lift charges off you Oliver. I'm hoping to have you monitored, not jail."

"R-Really?" He stuttered.

"Yeah." I smiled.

"Thank you!" He grinned kissing my cheek. "Oh wait, I'm sorry, its just your really beautiful."

"Its fine Oliver."


What was she doing? She's seriously weird that girl, or has no sense. Justin stormed out the room, slamming the door behind him. Oliver was lead to a little office, Maddy stood in the room with us. Her red hair facing the way Justin went.

"What's up with him?" She asked. I shrugged and she followed him. Ashton and Becka, Maddy's parents, sighed.

"She hasn't a bit of sense in her." Becka muttered. I simply sighed and walked out to the hallway to see Justin yelling at Maddy, before crashing his lips to hers. Her back against the wall.

"Justin, seriously?" She yelled, escaping his grip.

"Oh, so you'll practically free that bastard, but you won't even give me a chance?" He yelled

"I'd rather live with him than even know you!" She screamed, pushing him away from her, tears prominent in her eyes as she stumbled towards me.

"You best leave now Justin." I said calmly, holding Maddy in my arms.



"Thank you Mat, for being here for me." She croaked as I stayed over at her house for the night.

"Its no problem. It's what best friends are for." Her face erupted in a massive smile. "By the way, I didn't tell you did I?"

"Tell me what?"

"I'm umm-" I hesitated. She'll accept it, she's your best friend. She loves you for you. "I'm gay."

"How did you find out?"

"I may or may not of kissed Lauren and Harry's kid... I felt butterflies."

"That's adorable."

"I don't think he's feeling the same way..." I whispered. As I said that my phone buzzed.

'Would you like to go out on a date with me?' from James.

"Is that lover boy texting you?" She giggled wiggling her eyebrows. I blushed wildly nodding.

"Should I say yes?" I showed her the text.

"How do you feel about him?"

"Butterflies whenever I see him.."

"Then say yes if you want."

I texted back 'Of course'

I didn't get a reply, so I turned to Maddy, who was now pottering about her room, looking for something. Her hands fumbled with something before she handed a box of condoms to me.

"For safe measure Mat." She giggled.


I set up the Skype chat for us, we hadn't heard from them in a while. Everyone answered. I transfered it onto the big screen. Elizabeth walked in.

"Hey guys!" I smiled, everyone said some sort of greeting, Elizabeth flopped onto the couch beside us, and us I mean Vic and I. She looked at the TV.

"Who are most of these?" She asked.

So I introduced them all, then the kids decided to join the call. Justin looked highly upset.

"Justin are you okay?" James asked. Maddy and Mat came on screen. Maddy sat on Mats knee.


I smiled talking to the guys for a while.

"Guys, play for us!" Sarah's mum smiled.

"Okay!" Everyone got up and got their instruments and sat back down.

"Badly broken?" James suggested.

"Sure, you ready drummer boy?" Maddy asked. He nodded and started playing on his drum box.

We did it, and played it perfectly. The parents and families whooped and cheered. I grinned.

"Hey, we have a garage you can practice in. Why don't you come over?" Ashton smiled.

"Sure, we'll be as quick as possible."

Fallen Angels (sequel to Where our demons hide)Where stories live. Discover now