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I giggled jumping into Alex's arms. Giving Elizabeth a stern look. She turned away and walked alone to the fountain. Everyone joined her, except Justin who had to sit on his Cajon drum. Maddy's dad stood disguised in the forming crowd with a camera. We pulled out our guitars, and stuff before we played one of 5SOS acoustic songs. Greenlight. Well, we made it acoustic. No-one knew about the couples, and this song was suggested on our twitter. The crowd had since formed. I giggled and we played our last song. Knifes and pens, acoustic cover.

Afterwards we walked back to the house. A blonde haired guy laying on the front steps. Justin became tense.

"Guys, can you go to Starbucks for a bit please?" Justin barely got out, growling. Everyone nodded and went to Starbucks. The five minute walk was handy.

"What was happening?" I asked. Everyone shrugged.


"Get up!" I growled kicking his side. Maddy hiding behind me, mainly because I put her behind me. The guy called 'Oliver' got up.

"Listen, please." He bit his lip. "I need your help, that girl... Maddy, I can't get her out of my head. I don't know what to do." He sobbed. What he didn't know was Maddy was behind me.

"Oliver, or whatever your name is, you raped her. What you did, I won't forgive you for. Ever. You wouldn't like I if someone had came along and raped your best friend." I argued.

"I know, I don't know how to express how sorry I am." He had tears running down his face.

"Oliver. Listen to me," Maddy came from behind me, ignoring my protests. "Your a sweet guy underneath, and I forgive you for what you did. But you took my everything. My whole life away from me. You can't take that back."

"O-Okay." He nodded before grabbing her arm tightly and hugging her. His hand slipping up her top, another resting on her ass.

"Oliver. Leave." I growled, picking him up by the collar of his shirt and nearly throwing him outside the garden. Maddy held my other hand. "None of us want to see you again."

With that we walked inside the house, and sat on the couch. She looked up at me, her hair tumbling across her face. I tucked it back. Her eyes glanced down at my lips briefly, I cupped her face gently and kissed her. I felt her heart race, and her hand took me by the collar and pulled us so we were laying down.

It got heated, both of us sat there shirtless until her lips parted from mine, just as my fingers linked into her jeans pocket.


I jumped when I heard the words coming from the front room.

"Justin, stop, I'm not ready." Maddy must of whispered. A small groan escaped someone's lips. "Justin. Stop!" The voice became panicked. I walked in to see Justin trying to unbutton Maddy's jeans. I came over and punched him, making him fall unconscious to the floor. Maddy had tears on her eyes. I opened my arms and she fell into them, crying. Everyone else walked in.

"Its not my job to explain." I stated as they looked. Mat grabbed her top and handed it to her. She smiled weakly and slipped it on. She hugged Mat tightly, her body shaking. Mat picked her up with ease, and walked upstairs. Everyone looked at eachother.

"So what do we do about Justin?" James asked, pointing. "For one, if we leave him like that he'll die. Two, he'll get blue balls." I rolled Justin over and he woke up.


It became night time rather quickly after that. Everyone was talking downstairs.

"She's a fat slag anyway babe." Justin laughed. "Yeah, I am talking about that Maddy girl." She heard this. Putting down her Xbox controller and walking downstairs. I followed. James giving me a glance. I took his hand and we followed Maddy out to the back garden.

"So I'm a fat slag now am I?" She croaked. "If I'm fat, why did you try to fuck me?" Justin hung up the phone.

"I wasn't talking about you!" He said in a rush.

"I'm the only Maddy you know." She spat. "I'll let you stay here tonight. But tomorrow your gone."

Fallen Angels (sequel to Where our demons hide)Where stories live. Discover now