Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen

It wasn't until three days later that Ella and Willa came up for air. Eleanor was still amazed by the change in herself. Who would have thought she would become so eager to be touched and to touch.

Willa had awaken something in her that Eleanor hadn't known existed—and she was thoroughly enjoying it. She didn't think that Willa had any complaints either.

Today they had finally left the hotel and ridden out to the ranch. Willa was helping Preston with his pony while Eleanor sat on the porch with Jane and Pete. Jeb and Gill were gone in the fields, Craig and Ezekial were at their home, and Zachariah and Wyatt had taken another trip which they did quite often, just riding and sleeping under the stars.

"How have things been going?" Jane asked her as Willie ran around doing his favorite past time which meant chasing chickens.

"Can't you tell?" Pete asked with a wink. "Look at that glow."

Jane rolled her eyes. "Her glow is none of your business." Pete merely smiled and kissed his wife on the cheek.

Eleanor felt her cheeks flush and her eyes found Willa. She took in the sight of her woman in her studded red shirt and brown spotted goucho pants and smiled. As if Willa could feel her eyes on her, she turned and smiled brightly in return.

"Young love... Jane used to smile at me like that."

"I still smile at you like that you damn idiot."

Eleanor turned her attention back to the married couple and Jane sighed. "Before my husband interrupted, I was asking how things were going for you staying at the hotel alone while Willa works."

Eleanor shrugged. "I've spent a lot of time alone in my life. Willa knows I like to sew and she made sure I had plenty to keep me busy before she left me."

"Well that's good." Jane smiled. "I'm glad she takes good care of you. She's so much like her brother. And if there was one thing Willie had boat loads of, it was loyalty. She'll be good for you."

Eleanor forced a smile and dropped her gaze. She knew that Willa was good for her but that fear was still there. The fear that the woman would grow bored of sticking around in the same place. Eleanor's heart would be shattered.

Suddenly, the woman who filled her every thought was there. She came to stand behind Eleanor and bent down, wrapping her arms around Eleanor's neck and kissing her dark hair. "Are you okay, sweetheart?" she asked, her lips close to Eleanor's ear.

Eleanor trembled and leaned back into Willa's touch. "Of course."

"Did she say something to you?" Willa asked, not hiding the venom in her voice as she looked over at Jane.

"Of course I didn't," Jane snapped, sitting up straighter. "I was actually telling her that she has a good woman... even if you do have your brothers damn protective temper."

A chicken let out a rather loud squawk and everyone's eyes were drawn to Willie who was standing there with several feathers in his hand as the abused chicken made a quick escape.

"You almost had it that time," Pete told his son. The boy looked up and let out a loud laugh before taking off after the chickens once again.

"Poor chickens are gonna be plucked bald," Jane muttered.

"Let the boy have fun," Pete insisted. "I chased my fair share of chickens in my day."

"I've been wondering somethin'" Willa said, standing up straight but keeping her hands gently on Eleanor's shoulders. "Why did you two name your rugrat after my brother?"

The Outlaw and the Lady (4th in the Crane Gang Series)(womanxwoman)Where stories live. Discover now