Chapter Twenty-Three

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Chapter Twenty-Three

"House wins," Willa called, bringing the chips to her side of the table.

"The house always wins," the grizzled cowboy muttered.

"That's just the chance you take," Willa assured him, expertly shuffling the deck for the next deal.

Before she could deal, a saloon regular named Howard came rushing over. "Hey Willa, I wanted to warn you that there's been some folks in here asking about you."

Willa frowned. "Me? What about me?"

"Wanting to know when you work, what hotel you're in, and they even mentioned Eleanor. I heard 'em yesterday and figured I'd warn you as soon as I came in tonight."

Her pulse quickened as unease filled her gut. "Who were these folks?"

"I don't know. Two men. I followed 'em out onto the boardwalk just to see if I could hear anything else and they mentioned something about a woman named Casey."

Her mind was working overtime. Casey? Where had she heard that name recently? The Cantina! It was that blond bitch that had nearly knocked Eleanor to the ground. Willa had known that woman was bad news; she had felt it in her bones.

She knew she had to check on Eleanor and she had to do it now. "Thanks Howard," she mumbled as she tossed down the deck of cards and rushed for the doors, ignoring the calls for her to stop and come back to run the game.

Willa shoved past folks on the way to the hotel but she didn't care; didn't even hear their protests. All she could focus on was the resounding thought in her head. 'Please let Ellie be okay'.

As she approached their room, she knew her hopes were hopeless. The door was open. Eleanor would never leave the door open. Suddenly, her boots weighed a hundred pounds apiece.

She stepped through that open door to find an empty room lit by the kerosene light beside the bed. "Ellie?" she whispered, her tiny voice seeming to echo in the abandoned space.

Eleanor was gone. Willa swallowed hard. Her eyes went to the bed and saw an envelope lying there with her name scrawled across it. Somehow, Willa's feet carried her to the bed and her trembling hand picked up that envelope.

Pulling a piece of paper out of it, Willa read over the words written there.


My name is Casey Dougal. You might remember my brother Harvey. You might also remember that you murdered him right on the street of this town. Loyalty compelled me to do something about that. You see I run a business of sorts and I sell property that I acquire to the highest bidders. Your woman is a beautiful piece of property and it would seem I have acquired her—along with a boy. Perhaps you know him as well? We are heading north. Chase us. My men are waiting for you.

Casey Dougal

Okay, Casey Dougal. That woman was going to die and Willa was going to kill her.

But a boy? Who would the boy be? She glanced back at the bed and saw the light glint off something laying on the blanket. Reaching out, Willa realized they were a pair of wire rimmed glasses.


That bitch had Preston.

North the note had said. Willa was going to head north. She rushed from the hotel and was on her way to the livery to get her horse when she ran smack dab into Gill. The man nearly fell over backward but Jeb was there to steady him. "Watch where you're going, Willa," Jeb grumbled.

Willa's stomach dropped. She was going to have to tell Preston's parents that Preston had been kidnapped and it was her fault. Damn.. it was her fault.

"What's wrong?" Gill demanded.

Instead of speaking, she pulled the letter from her pocket and handed it to the man. He moved closer to the glowing kerosene light outside the hotel and read it over as Jeb scanned it over his shoulder.

"Goddamn it she's got our son," Jeb nearly roared as he jerked the letter from Gill's hand. "That's why he hasn't come back yet."

Willa pointed toward the livery. "I'm getting my horse and going after her. I'll bring Preston back, I swear it."

"You're not going anywhere alone," Gill countered. "Go get your horse ready. Jeb, come with me to mama's. We'll send her to the ranch to tell everyone else and then we'll ride and get our son and Eleanor back."

"Gilliam, if they've hurt him..." Jeb's eyes were pained.

Gill nodded as he adjusted his gun belt. "They're all gonna die, Jeb. That I can guarantee."


Eleanor had never been more terrified in all her life. When she'd been taken captive years ago she had only had herself to fear for—now she was afraid for Preston.

Casey had taken them out of town and met up with a group of five dangerous looking men before heading north—and heading north hard.

The night was black save for the campfire they now had burning. They were at the edge of a canyon with only one way in. Casey had sent two of her men up high to act as lookouts and snipers should the need arrive.

Eleanor and Preston were tied up side by side beside a wagon. They had been here for hours and, so far, they had remained untouched but Preston was beginning to struggle to breathe. "It will be okay, Preston. The family will be here soon."

Eleanor knew they would come, knew that Willa would come, she just prayed that no one would die. Casey came to stand before them. "When little Willa comes to rescue her lady love, we're going to kill her. Would you like to have a front row seat for that?"

Preston took a breath that wheezed a bit in his chest. "My pas are gonna kill you."

"Pas?" Casey's blond brow rose slightly. "As in more than one?"

"They'll skin you alive," Preston assured her.

Casey seemed to think a moment. She turned to Eleanor. "I know your Willa will come for you. Who else? Who is going to be coming for this boy?"

Eleanor didn't speak. Casey had been under the impression that Willa would be alone. Eleanor knew she wouldn't be. The family would be coming—and they would be coming in force.

Eleanor cried out with shock and pain when Casey's hand fell across her face. "Speak! Who else is coming?" Eleanor glared up at her and remained silent.

She turned her attention to Preston and was raising her hand to strike him when a voice called out from the darkness. "Lay your hand on that boy and I'll rip it off!"

The Outlaw and the Lady (4th in the Crane Gang Series)(womanxwoman)Where stories live. Discover now