The Let Out - Part 1

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You and four of your closest girl friends crowded around the mirror and clamored for space on the bathroom counter. You had just finished laying your edges, momentarily stowing them away under a silk scarf. Reaching for your collection of lipsticks, you collided with your girl Shania.

"Hoe, why are you even in here?" you questioned her. Shania was fully dressed and ready to go, haphazardly swiping through Tinder and taking up space.

"I like to be involved," she replied distractedly, not looking up from her screen.

"You can be involved outside of the bathroom. Go put on some music or something!" you huffed, swatching some colors on the back of your hand.

Shania sucked her teeth and pressed her phone to her chest before worming her way through the group of girls. Moments after she left, you hear faint orchestral tones and the telling,

A collective "Ayyy!" reverberated against the bathroom walls, and all makeup progress came to an abrupt halt. The small space was suddenly a dance floor and the counter a support as the girls leaned against it and threw their hips in circles.

The chime of your phone was lost in the din, but you saw it light up out of the corner of your eye. You snatched it up and clicked it open. A smile spread across your face as you read the short message.

"You coming out tonight?"

You hadn't even begun to respond when your girl Alayia gasped from over your shoulder.

"Erik? As in THE Erik Stevens?" she demanded, widening her eyes. She stared at you intently with her half-baked face.

"You're nosey as hell, you know that?" you bit back, trying to conceal your dopey grin.

Yes, Erik Stevens. The two of you'd been partnered up on a project in class, and even after you secured the grade, he kept coming around. Many late nights were spent just talking or working your way through Living Single. He'd show up with pizza and make himself at home, your thighs pressed up against one another on your bed. Something was definitely there, but you weren't sure what.

You didn't want to jump the gun though. You'd wait to define anything. He was a pretty big deal on campus, with beautiful women falling all over him at every turn. The men were equally enthralled with Erik's mystery, and he was rarely seen without a large group of his boys around him.

You angled the screen away from Alayia, who had returned to her twerking and baking combo, and tapped out a quick response.

"Yeah. We'll be there around 11:30."

The three little dots bounced on the screen for a moment. Your phone vibrated quickly in your hand.


You strolled in to the function feeling like the baddest bitch in town. Entourage in tow, you immediately headed to the dance floor. The bass thumped through your chest and the thick heat of the club filled your lungs. You felt free as you danced away the stresses of the week.

Your eyes flitted around the dark club, scanning faces during intermittent flashes of colored light. Erik said he would be here, but you didn't see him. You'd been there for about an hour before you found him.

He was leaning against the bar, and as usual was surrounded his homeboys and a few thirsty women. He wore a simple grey tee and his short dreads were expertly braided back. You wondered briefly who had done it for him before waving away any jealousy.

"Erik!" you called from the dance floor. He didn't hear you above the music and you weren't surprised. He continued to laugh with his friends, his strong jaw flexing when he smiled.

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