Chapter 5

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The night was dark, small drops of rain were falling onto the sidewalk, thunder and lightning still crackled through the air. It had been two weeks since the "Revealing," as Kitty and I called it.
The Feline-American was standing under me, my wings creating a breather that blew her hair. It was dark enough outside so that no body could see us, but since Kitty and I had advanced eyes, we need less light to see. With this on my mind, I decided to ask Kitty a question that had been nagging at the back of my head for a while.
"Hey!" I called down to her, landing on the wet pavement. "Why do you were glasses if you have 'panther eyes?'" I said, pointintg at her maroon glasses which were splattered with rain.
"Oh," She said, adjusting her glasses to sit further up on her nose. "Well, because glasses are swag."
I chuckled. Kitty eyed me. "How about you? Why do you have contacts?"
I pursed my lip. "I'm extremely far-sighted. You know, with the raptor-vision and everything." I pointed at my hazel eyes. "These babies can't see anything closer than twenty feet away from me."


My panther-human counterpart and I bonded in the rain for a little while longer. My white tank top and jeans were soaked because we had been outside for so long. I yawned.
"Aw, is my little baby birdie tired." Kitty teased. I elbowed her in the side, a smirk across my face.
I sighed. "Do you think there is anyone else like us on this earth?" I asked. Yep, that's Mallory the philosopher.
Kitty hummed. "Of course there are others. I mean, we just happened to become best friends and we're both mutant freaks." She looked over to me, her blue-gray eyes focused on mine. "There has to be others."


I checked my phone. It was almost eleven. "Well, I guess we better get inside." I stood up, stretching out my wings a bit.
Kitty moaned. "Ah come on."
I frowned. "We have to go. The grown ups might come looking for us."
My future-step-sister stood up, shaking out her wet tail splattering me with droplets of rain water. I gently squeezed her tail. If Kitty was able to, she would've jumped out of her skin. "Hey!" She yowled. "That hurt." The panther-girl then grabbed her tail back and started caressing it. I giggled. She just gave me a disapproving look.
I was just about to say something when I saw a black hummer coming around the cul-de-sac. I tucked my wings in without a second thought. I elbowed the brunette beside me. "Psst." I whispered, and glanced at her tail and then to the hummer, which was now parked about ten feet away. She gave me a puzzled look then nodded, moving her arm behind her.
About five men walked out of the car. Five suited men. I gulped.
"Let's get inside." I said to Kitty, not taking my eyes off of the mysterious men. We tried not to walk too quickly to the house (if we had we would've been seen as more suspicious than we already looked), but I'm pretty sure my friend and I had picked up a pretty fast pace. Unfortunately, the suited men blocked our path to the house.
Standing protectively in front of Kitty, I asked, "Can I help you?" trying to sound as non-threatening as possible. I was on the verge of punching these douche-pants in the face.
They stood there and smiled at each other, like I had said something funny. I looked back at Kitty. She shrugged.
I sighed, and looked down, trying not to make eye contact with the strangers as I attempted to walk around them.
I was stopped by a rough arm. "Ah-ah-ah. You aren't going anywhere."
I took a step back, Kitty stepping to my side. I clenched my fists in shock as the men in front of my com-padre and I started to change. It was similar to Kitty's morph, but instead of panther features, it was more wolfish.
They grew taller, long gray snouts forming where their noses had been. Scratchy fur covered their faces, red eyes peeked out of it. Their fingers sprouted long, sharp claws at the ends, dark gray fur protruding from the cuticle and further up the arm. They laughed a hoarsely, their voices sounded scratchy and raw as the spoke. "Are you scared now little piggies?"
I gulped. "What are you? Why are you here?" I said, my voice shaking in fear.
"We're just wolf-human hybrids, similar to your friend her." He said pointing to Kitty. "Most of our colleagues call us Erasers. And we're here to collect you."
I turned on my heel and ran, glancing behind me to make sure Kitty was following. She had already morphed into her panther-self. Smart girl. The wolf men were right on our heels, still smiling their maniacal smile. I stretched out my wings, letting my tawny feathers catch the breeze. I leaped into the air, my wings pushing me upward. I smiled. This is when having wings comes in handy.
Once I was about fifty feet above them, I realized what a horrible friend I was. I had left Kitty stranded on the ground with wolf men chasing after her. Without a second thought I dived down and kicked one of the erasers on the side of the face. He tripped, but didn't really seem to injured. Luckily, when he did trip, he knocked down three or four of his "friends" with him, like a row of dominoes. Hopefully that bought Kitty some extra time.
I flew back up a few feet so the angered eraser couldn't grab me. I glanced over to where I last saw Kitty. She was fighting back. I smiled, happy she wasn't just sitting there like a helpless puppy. She was kicking and swinging her leg in all different directions. I guess the taekwondo Kitty learned was coming in handy right about now. The eraser seemed to be surprised by this for a second, but then punched his opponent hard in the abdomen. My best friend fell on her knees, clutching her stomach.
I was furious now.
I dove down toward the eraser who was now kicking Kitty, and tackled him. Punching his face over and over again. I was then grabbed by my brown hair and tugged upward. I screamed in pain. I heard Kitty protesting, and opened my teary eyes to see her being dragged by her arms into the hummer. The eraser dragged my to the van, and grabbed a sac. I saw my family, standing outside our house door, with looks of terror on their face before I got stuffed into a sac and thrown into the back of the vehicle.
I heard car doors slamming and people screaming outside, as the engine of the hummer growled to life and I felt the vibration of the moving tires over the pavement.

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