Izuku Midoriya.

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Reaction to Boku No Hero Academia Season 1,2 & 3.

I'm into Japan and its culture. I like everything about Japan. That obviously includes anime. I watch shoujo (genre) more than shounen. I enjoy high school romance more than action. That's why I avoided watching Naruto and Dragon Ball Z.

But then, I belong to a community called 'Anime Lovers', and take the pride of being the only girl in that. All my friends watch shounen, except me. Everytime we had a discussion, I felt left out at some point, so I watched it, I watched Boku No Hero Academia. When I started it, I wasn't willing to really watch it, at that point I was suggested to watch 'Anohana' by another member of our community, I thought of switching, but then I was a little more determined to watch this because I didn't want to feel zoned out.

It was fun. From the beginning itself, I liked BAKUGO a little bit. I like those mean male anime characters who are a bit kiddish and can't control their anger. Those are the kind of anime characters I like, especially when he's the lead in some high school romantic anime movie.

Though I started it before Your Lie In April (Shigatsu Wa Kimi No Uso), I ended up completing this before because of my lack of interest. Gradually, I started adoring it.

I cried a lot in that fight with hero killer, Stain. It was one of the greatest fights in the history of this sequel. To be very honest, I didn't like when Kirishima was getting closer to Bakugo, it's because I've loved Izuku Midoriya's passionate feelings for Bakugo, I loved it a lot. I always wanted them to somehow mingle, I want Bakugo to remain the same, just that he must start treating Midoriya-shounen better. Well, you must have guessed that I cried when they spoke in the last second episode of season 3 when Bakugo replied to Izuku about the shooting style he was talking about. This was a proper conversation they've had till now. The fight at night was necessary.

About the ideas of Stain, I won't reject them at all. He is right at some point, but that turned out to be toxic. He should have looked for alternatives to fulfill his desires, killing heroes brutally isn't right at all. That's the only reason I didn't like him.

'All For One' is scary. When Almight's true self was revealed in public, it hurt me. I was afraid about how the public would react. It made me so glad to know how supportive they were!

I like how Izuku Midoriya mutters. I learnt a lot of things from him.

-To always make notes about people, their powers, in simple, everything that'll help you to succeed or become better.

-To never, never give up on anything.

-To always see the outcome, think before you act.

-To care about others and always learn from them.

-To be passionate about your dreams no matter how hard they seem.

-To respect people, to motivate them.

-To think about others before self.

-To keep improving.

-To stay optimistic in all situations.

-To be co-operative and understand the situation calmly.

I liked how he approached people and interfered in things where he wasn't supposed to, like a hero should. He changed Kota. He jumped out to help Bakugo during their sludge incident. His passionate feelings filled with determination is something I admire a lot.

He calls Bakugo as "Kacchan". That's so kawaii. I wonder what that means. 

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