The Cactus Sentiment

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"Come on. We need to get downstairs." John spoke softly to her, cupping her shoulder in his palm.

 "No." Was Veronica's flat reply. They were silent for a moment until John took a deep breath.

 "You said...some truly terrible things, Veronica. And to your best friend." John tried his best to be at his most logical.

 "I'm not talking about this, John. I'm not talking about anything. For Christ’s sake leave me alone." She snapped and then the tears began to pour down her face for seemingly no reason. She buried her head in the pillow and wept. John could feel his heart in his throat as he put his head on her shoulder.

 "I'm starting to hit my limit." He choked to her, squeezing her arm. "I love you, Veronica. You're the best wife and mother any man could ask for but I don't know how to help you anymore. You need to talk to someone because...because I can't help you and it's obvious." He stopped, feeling a tear in his own eye.

 "I'm still me. You're still you. I know this...this...thing...has a hold on you and you're spiraling in its grip. I know I didn't help matters either. I can’t tell you that I’m sorry enough and sweetheart, I can’t tell you how difficult it is to watch you in so much pain, unable to help you through it.” They were very quiet again, Veronica not responding and John’s head remaining on her shoulder. The clock ticked away in the room. “Well…I’m going. I’m going with everyone else. You’ll regret it, Veronica. He was quiet again, rubbing her shoulder and kissing it lightly. He stared at her as she sobbed into the pillow. “If I could only reach you…” he mumbled to her.

 “I do love you, John.” She wept, face down and her voice muffled by the pillow. He rubbed her shoulder again and got up from their bed. It was nearly 7:30 and he couldn’t believe he was actually leaving the hotel without her. John watched her weeping form all the way to the door and exhaled tremendously once out of the suite. He rubbed his eyes wishing to god Veronica would once again become the woman he knew and loved. He was determined to not let her current state affect his ability to have a magnificent time at the birthday bash tonight. John arrived last of the seven in the hotel bar. He wiped his eyes and put on his best LA smile.

 “Oh my god…you look gorgeous, birthday girl!” John leaned over and kissed me, putting his arms around me. I looked up to him.

 “Aww, you’re here! My face suddenly dropped. It dawned on me that my best friend wasn’t coming to my birthday party. “Where’s Veronica?” I asked quietly. John shook his head. I could tell that I had hit a bit of a nerve.

 “I couldn’t get her to join me…I tried.” He whispered. I gave John a look to let him know that I at least partially understood. I could see nothing but hurt in his eyes. I desperately felt the need to talk to John but right now wasn’t the time. Honestly, I was too excited and very party ready in my plum strapless jumpsuit. I was decked out in gold everywhere, including my gold-strappy Manolos that I whipped out for this precise occasion. I reached my hands out to John to give him a much needed hug, which he immediately hugged me back. “Happy birthday…” he said softly.

 “Okay, darlings! Enough of that! Time for another round of drinks aaaaand. Mary! Has something!” Freddie sing-songed motioning to the bar tender for another round.

 “Happy birthday, Lydia!” Mary said, handing me a card.

 “Oh my! Look at this. I opened the envelope, gasping as I opened up the card. “Mary! This…is a picture of a potted cactus! Did you get me a potted cactus for the pool!?” I asked excitedly. The potted cactus. As far as I was concerned, it was one of the most sincere and thoughtful gifts one could give and receive. Why? It’s simple it’s very hard to kill a potted cactus. The damn things live through nearly anything, therefore every time you see it you’re forced to think of whomever gave you the bloody thing…because it just won’t die! You get pricked by it every time you even attempt to water it and then you end up swearing making you say things ‘damn you Mary for buying me a fuckin’ cactus!’ I was delighted. “Awww, thank you sweetheart! I’ll put it on the patio near the pool! Oooh what’s this. I gasped at the other picture. The complete works of Isaac Asimov!?” I was quite happy; he was my favorite science fiction author.

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