California Dreams

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“Oh! Oh look, Mary! I never thought I was able to wear maroon but it turns out I look nice in it!” Freddie said, admiring himself.

 “Yes, that’s nice.” Mary didn’t look up from the magazine she was reading. Freddie was quiet for a moment and re-appeared at the open door where the bathroom tile met the carpet.

 “These are just delightful! Would you like to feel them!? They are just divinely silky! Ooooh la la!” Freddie said happily, rubbing his hands over the fabric and seemingly having the time of his life.

 “I’ll take your word for it, Fred.” Mary answered, lighting a cigarette and giving him a glance. He got quiet once again and disappeared.

 “Stripes! Wide alternating pink and burgundy stripes! Clever isn’t it?” Freddie asked of Mary, pushing his robe back from his hip and striking her a most lovely post.

 “Mmm hmm…” she mumbled, cigarette between her lips.

 “This is so much fun!” Freddie laughed and returned to the bathroom. He gasped only a moment later. “Mary! These are novelty! Look! Look! They say ‘special delivery’! Oh! I should give these to Brian!” Mary sighed.

 “Freddie…I love you, but…I am gonna’ be forced to never speak to you again if you give Brian a pair of novelty underwear that says special delivery.” She shook her head and tried to look away from Freddie’s incessant underwear modeling. Unfortunately, he and Mary had gone out antiquing for the day. They had arranged to have $18,000 US dollars worth of things mailed back to London. It was mostly furniture and art but Freddie Mercury was the only man on Earth who would also be enticed by a box in a consignment shop marked: Deadstock Designer Underwear $5 Entire Box. Now, Mary was getting her own personal fashion show. She was tired from their day, her feet were killing her and all she wanted was a nap…but no. It was time to watch Mr. Mercury work the catwalk from the bathroom sink to the edge of the room.  “Hey, you want me to order us somethin’ to eat? I’m gettin’ rather hungry.”

 “You’re hungry for….watermelon slices with the CD Christian Dior logo!” Freddie said opening up his robe for Mary. She sighed again and looked at him, throwing her magazine aside.

 “Are they seedless?” she asked. Freddie gasped and pointed at her.

 “Mary! You naughty girl!” Freddie winked at her before hurrying over beside her, throwing his terrycloth clad arms around her. “I have an idea, love. I’ll wear the watermelon underwear, we can order in some room service and eat right there on our lovely kitchenette table!” he said, grinning all over. Mary smiled.

 “Very well. Are you gonna’ put a shirt on with those watermelon briefs?” she asked.

 “Of course I am. I’m sure I have something just fabulous!”” he said, reaching for the room service menu which was quite extensive in nature.

 Out in the streets of Los Angeles, Brian and Chrissie had walked hand in hand along Hollywood Boulevard, close to where we had been the night of my birthday party. They had spent the entire afternoon in every bookstore West Hollywood had to offer and they had picked up a few things for Jimmy at an infant and toddler specialty shop nearby. Hollywood was lined with specialty shops as far as the eye could see. It didn’t matter if you were after an armoire or an armadillo….you could find it along the streets of Hollywood. Brian had taken at least a million pictures. They had already been to the Chinese Theatre where Chrissie took Brian’s picture with his hands in the imprints of those of Gene Kelly, Frank Sinatra….and Darth Vader. They admired the stands that sold fresh flowers and how beautiful they were before eating American hotdogs and French fries on a park bench right in the middle of one of Los Angeles’ scenic parks.

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