Life As A Human

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Late 20th Century

Late nights in japan were your norm, you had people going out to bar thanking god that work was over, you had people working late trying to get that final work order complete and then you have your young couples walking from place to place trying to get by and enjoy life.
Unlucky for them because today is the day when humanity falls from grace and far it falls.

A couple were walking through the famed Shibuya Crossing in Tokyo. They were discussing about their things to get in the week "we can pick them up on the way home" the woman said as the last words left her mouth her boyfriends last moments just happened as he dropped dead right in the road.

With the now silence to her retort she looked back to see the now deceased male, she ran to him only to stop when she felt her heart in excruciating pain and then her heart stopped and then she too died before even hitting the floor.

There was no time for panic, instantly people left and right dying almost spontaneously, then after 5 minutes of terror the streets of Tokyo fell silent except the crackling of fire from crashes and the footsteps of the new dominant race as 'they' slowly but assertively made their way through the city to claim the new generation for their own purpose.

This unfortunate turn of events brings us to our 'small' group of survivors as they ran down the side streets trying to get back home safe.

As they ran through the now empty streets where the dead lay.
One of them stopped to look left at a convenient store as one last adult walked out only to fall over and die as he hit the ground.

This child was a girl with black hair and green eyes this girls name was yuichirou hyakuya or yuu for short she had a look of sadness but surprisingly no fear as like she as grown accustom to death, she thought back to a sad moment in her life only for a second and then ran after her fellow survivors.

As she catches up to them they finally get back home which is a orphanage, as they go up the stairs and enter the room they come to see their caretaker dead and the rest of their household gathered around her "I don't think she's breathing Mika" Said a brown haired girl next the the body.

Mika runs over "keep them over there yuu" yuu does as he says as the children hide behind her.

"Director can you hear me" as he was now checking the now dead director they heard the front door get kicked in and heard distant but solid foot steps coming up the stairs as that was happening they heard a distant broadcast saying about how the adults have died and a person now named Krul Tepes is taking in the young.

As they heard that the glass smashed and they saw a very tall person with red eyes. Next to them the door shattered to reveal another person with red eyes, yuu said "who are you?, what do you want?" The person replied "We are your betters so be quite livestock" then the world went black.

Outskirts of Tokyo
11 pm

Yuu and Mika along with the rest of the orphanage kids were put in trucks along with other young children taken from their homes the air was still only the sound of the trucks engine and the slightest sobs of lost children was heard. Yuu looked to her right to see her young 'family' member clinging to her for protection, Yuu thought at that moment 'I won't let anything happen to my family ever again even if I have to do something drastic' as she finished that thought she pulled her sister close to her making sure to never let go.

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