The Escape To Freedom

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As the now awake and hyper group started walking around the underground following the path on the map one of the smaller family members said "where are we going?" " we are going to the human work and escaping this place" said Mika, this of course excited the children since they can go home with their family.

As they wondered on they fell into a uncomfortable silence with only the sound of footsteps to make up for sound so Yuu thought of a plan "I know let's sing a song" said Yuu "what song we don't know any" said Akane "then we make one up for our selves it can't be that hard" Yuu thought for a second then said "I'll start and when I point up you repeat the word before ok?" "Ok!" Came in a chorus of voices.

Yuu took a breath then started to sing "the family walked in two by two hurrah" *yuu pointed up* "hurrah" Said everyone else "a little lounder next time" shouted Mika  "the family walked in two by two hurrah" *points* "Hurrah!" " the family walked in two by two sneaking past the vampires at noon and they all went home ok just before the rain" Yuu sang as the family all giggled at the last part.

They continued singing this until they were stopped by Mika who put his hand up and then looked around the corner, he saw two shadows walking closer and quickly turned around and whispered everybody back into a side grate. The shadows got closer to reveal two vampire guards they looked to where Mika peaked and then moved on only for one of them to start back on the corner and look down the way were the family once were he saw nothing and continued on his way.

Mika breathe a sigh of relief and then signaled everyone to follow slowly as they continued they got to some stairs and walked up just stoping before the top and peaked over the railing they saw that they had gotten to a gate and saw no one there they smiled as this was their chance at freedom away from the vampires " looks like where there" Mika said "alright the finally stretch" said Yuu with the rest of the family jumping and hugging one another, so they started walking towards the gate with happy faces until they stopped to a dead halt all 10 child like faces stared in fear and sadness as a noble walked into view at the top step.

"Hello little lambs, Finally I thought you weren't going to show" this was said by a vampire that they knew the 7th progenitor Ferid Bathory know to be quite flirty but also quick and professional when it comes to killing "ah just look at those faces, I love the faces children make when all of their hopes have been dashed it's so intoxicating I just can't stop playing this game" he said with a sickening smile "w-what game" said Mika who looked at his map but then heard fast running as a white blur passed him and then he looked back to seen ferid standing there looking shocked.

1 minute before
Ferid ran at them

Yuu was shocked to see Ferid and started to shake in fear but there was a strange feeling in side of Yuu telling her to grab her younger family member with the two brown pony tails so she instantly did because it was the same feeling she had when she grabbed the twins. So she grabbed her and held her close just as that happened Ferid ran past her right on the path where her family member used to be.


Ferid was shocked that he didn't grab the young one he tried to grab only to see the black haired girl from before holding said girl "that's quite impressive to act so quickly before even a noble I must commend your instincts if I didn't know you I would have to think you were a vampire but it won't happen again" Ferid said with a hint of anger.

Yuu grabbed the gun she had and fired it at Ferid for his attempt at killing her family "that's my pistol I must say that takes a formidable amount of skill that few possess these days, well-done Mika" Said Ferid from a ways away behind them "let's relight that spark, let's say that the map you have is the holy grail and through that gate you can get out to the human world if you get past me, it would be very difficult to track you while your outside" retorted Ferid

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2020 ⏰

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