Chapter 4: "The fight"

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He looked at me with dark green eyes. Are you ok? his voice stronger then before ya I say but before I can say thanks to him a booming voice comes from the same direction it did when I was crying but this time I don't look up I know it's Jayden..
Well well, look at who it is Daniel Castro. I look at Jayden suddenly feeling stronger with Daniel by my side. Then Jayden starts walking towards us then he looks at Daniel and pushes him, hard.
Who do u think you are? Come on u whimp punch me. But Daniel just stands there not taking his gaze off of the floor. what are you waiting for huh? Jayden starts yelling punch me come on punch me you whimp.
Suddenly the whole cafeteria is starring at Jayden and Daniel saying fight fight fight!!!
I finally manage to say don't do Daniel, he looks at me and I whisper let's go please. Jayden starts laughing oh are you gonna listen to your lil princess? But instead of saying anything he starts walking away and I let out a breathe of relief, but Jayden follows him again and he pushes him to the ground.
This time Daniel gets up and punches him right In the jaw I gasp and suddenly start to panic. Then Daniel grabs Jayden's face and starts punching it. Now there both on the ground and Daniel is winning until Jayden's group comes and starts punching him until he's bleeding from his mouth and nose.
I run outside to where the security guards usually stand. Thankfully two big guys are there.
When they finally pull them apart Daniel is bet up badly. He goes to the nurse and as I'm standing there waiting for him to get out, the bell rings and I leave to my last class.

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